Saturday, January 16, 2010


Moving/moved to

Thursday, January 07, 2010


Even the person whom i thought is the laziest, the most no life (whole day play facebook/online games), the most unromantic, and always claimed to be poor, can be someone who treats his gf so sweetly. I wish both of u happiness.

Getting more and more unmotivated to blog.
And only thought of venting out on my blog when i get sad, angry or emo..
I just can't seem to change my blog skin after i changed some settings..
Argh.. Can anyone teach me how to do that???

Don't really have chance to spend time with baby..
That's because he has to study for his exams..
I know sometimes i got emo because of this.
And because he's studying hard, he dun really have the time to entertain my nonsense as well..
which sometimes i felt he don't care..
but all in all,
i understand.. that he wants to concentrate and is concentrating on his studies.
I pray that he can pass his last exam this fri so we can really enjoy our 11th mth on Sat..

Thursday, December 31, 2009


This blog seems dead.. i'm here to revive it.
A couple more hours to the end of 2009.
Much things had happened. Good and Bad.
We've concurred all.
Tonight's suppose to be a good night, but sadly, not for me.
Perhaps he really don't know how much i yearn to spend this day with him.
Of course i don't mind to go over to accompany him study.
But i guess he do not wished to be disturbed at all.
Let things just be it.

I hereby wish everyone a Happy New Year!
May 2010 be a greater year for all!


Have been nua-ing at home and out for celebrations..
Such as X'mas, Alice bdae, and Bro's wedding.

X'mas eve was spent at Jo's house, playing games such as Sequence and Monopoly Deal..
Deal seems to appear without fail nowadays during our girl's outing.
There will somehow be a pack of deal cards in someone's bag whenever we go out.
It's fun, esp played with fun people.
It can be blood-vomiting, filled with anger, and revenge.
Spent the night till 3am, then to SY's house for Wii.
It can be hilarious for such old school game like Super Mario because of the people you played with. Having these 2 groups of friends is really a blessing!
Thinking of you people can really put on a smile on my face. (:

X'mas was spent with baby..
Just a simple dinner at Illuma Thai Express..
and back to his hse straight because my new shoe really hurts!
Spoils day..

Next on 26th was Al's Bdae celebration.
Met up for Korean BBQ dinner buffet at Katong.
Lots of side dishes with 5 kinds of pork and chicken as the main, or rather the shitake..
Watermelon as dessert.
Next up is Timbre.
Had our Gift exchange and Princess Al cut her bdae cake and received bdae presents from us there..
Mr Paul still knows how to Zuo Ren by buying each queen a small gift (chocolate)..
Trying to get higher marks from us hur?
Sweet HZ and Joy also bought each of us a small gift too.
My angel is Joy as suspected. and i got a planner from her! thx! like it!

27th was my Bro's big day.
Woke up by the loud conversations of his brothers early in the morning..
Prepared for the afternoon tea ceremony and entertainment of guests.
Guests gone by around 3pm.
Alot left for the buffet.
I was dead tired.
Napped for an hour and then prepared for the wedding dinner.
Like J, i always felt emotional during ppl's wedding.
The atmosphere tgt with the scene, settings and touching speech.
Aww, i felt like tearing but held back my tears.
Not even my mother cry.
Still rmb that time at my sis's wedding, my cousin teared, then her mum says to her
" The bride's mother never even cry why you cry? Plus you are not the one getting married."
and oh, i almost lost my handphone that night.
Left it at the toilet cubicle.
Luckily the girl who got it is kind enough to return my phone.
My bro drank a little too much that night.
He hugged almost every guest at the end of the wedding dinner whereby guests have to line up and congratulate the new wed.
When everyone had left, and only our family plus my ah ma there, he hugged each and everyone of us too, thanking us.
i was kind of shock.
A hug after abt 13 or 14 yrs from my brother.
But i am happy too.
Although i hate him for many things, but i noe i love him deep in my heart. (:
Omg, did such words come out from me?
Anyways, congrats to bro and sis-in-law!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Im sure non of u girls can stand a bf who put across harsh words on his gf because of games and yes he did and im farking pissed off..
Esp when he gone off my hse after telling my mum tt he is leaving..
Then what am i?
As if it is my fault ?!


Somemore he says i need to cool down.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Decided to come back blogging..
Erm.. Nua-ed quite a bit recently having no more work.
So was spending money all the while! D:
Never really shop except spent on a blazer and pair of shoes while shopping with Xm at FE that day, and on a dress for my bro's wedding..
Spent mostly on food and driving lessons i guess..
Suki Sushi-ed at Cine when bee passed his first PDT exam,
Manhatten-ed yst when he passed his second.
Went to prawn after that supposedly at Aqua Fauna Centre @ Pasir ris Farmway 1, #11.
We hailed a cab in from White Sands, and the cab driver said we reached..
Den i can't see the Logo or Banner 'Aqua Fauna' anywhere, but some prawning banner.
So i questioned the uncle: "is it this one?"
Uncle:"Ya la.. There you see No.11 Farmway 1 (pointing to the sign)."
Me: "(blur) er.. okay.. (got down cab)."

We proceeded inside and realised it was not Aqua Fauna,
It's Mainland.
so we were like.. Ok.. den we asked for the direction to Aqua Fauna..
The journey was super creepy and shitty as it was dark at 8.30pm and at that kind of place.
It was like walking along those World War sites.. One wide quiet road with jungle and bushes at the sides..
Walked a long way but still cannot find that Aqua Fauna prawning place or any prawning place at Farmway 1.
Was super disappointed because i waited for this day for quite long already.
Seeing my disappointed face, we walked back to the main road and bee decided to hail another cab to go in again to search for any prawning place..
But my mood was not there already..
Anyway, we went to a prawning place at Farmway 2 - Happy Prawning.
Saw the review b4 like not bad so decided to give it a try since we were there liao.
Not much ppl at first.. Only 1 Malay family prawning..
We took the 4 hours deal @ $35.
Catch was so-so at first.
Guy in charge there prawned for fun and gave us 2 of his catch.
But stopped after that cuz got some girl came..
Her dressing is like.. Fang Ban Li.. so of cuz, the other prawns goes to her.
and not only that he still went in to take one bigger than normal one for her..
like.. wth.. Super no mood after that because dunno why the prawns keep eating my bait but always ran away even though i waited for it to go deep down..
It not only happened few times but a lot of times!
So my patience was kinda lost already.
Returned the rod ourselves although the person nv come and collect 15mins after our time.
Catch overall was super duper bad.
8 prawns for 4 hrs! like.. wth!

If only we found Aqua Fauna as the review was good or if only Bee agrees to go Bishan!
Grrr. Total 2 bad exp prawning at pasir ris farmway..
I believe i will never ever want to prawn there again~!

Today was nua-ing at bee's place.
Supposedly meeting Heihei for buffet but she has to get home by 6pm.
The thought of having to go home and come out again for driving make dun dun feel like going out anymore.. esp heihei is not driving. =x because the late prawning in the previous day and mood kinda tires me.
Driving lesson at 9pm. went into circuit.
I'm still not fully confident for the courses inside circuit except slope.
Only had 4 circuits and need to take TP already.
Wish me luck hur.
Yy even worse.. heard he 28th or 26th having TP but haven go in circuit before!
But not sure if he learnt parking outside..
Whatever it is, God, please bless us!

Thursday, December 03, 2009


Woke up with Ol's scary sms this morning stating that our exam results are out.
In order to avoid the possibility of having no appetite, i reluctantly checked my results only after i had my breakfast.
Upon hearing that they just passed BF, i was damn afraid that i might fail.
Everyone else including G and SY smsed me that they passed everything.
That pressurized me more.
and finally, i logged in and viewed my results.
Ta-dah! I passed!!!
Got a CR for BF and DI for the rest.
Wheee~ Like they said, at least no more repeats!
Thank God! (:

It's actually a good time to celebrate.
But felt super duper bored.
Bf has no time to acc me.
Although i know i can acc him at his hse cuz he got to study for his Insurance exam.
But i went yst.. and it's so bored also.
I want something new and refreshing.. an excursion!
but.. i know it's hard. ):
i know sometimes i get a little paranoid when i dun get what i want. sigh.

Mom bought some fruit home this morning from market..
That orange-look-alike fruit that i forgot what's its name.
I decided to consume one..
I tried to use a knife to cut away that little black dot at the backside but who knows the fruit is still so hard that i slipped my hand and cut my own thumb.. Zzz..
Think the cut was quite deep.
Blood gushed out like wad sia.. dripped till the whole sink and floor. =/
Pain and numb now.. T.T

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

SITEX 2009

I'm getting real lazy to blog nowadays..
But i still want to keep this blog going..

Well, 4 days of tiring SITEX Show 2009 is over.
It's tiring because i had to stand for the full 4 days (sometimes i leaned/half-sat on cartons when there's no customer..)
Other than that, it's actually an easy job.
All i had to do was to ask customers if they are interested to upgrade their warranty from the default 1 year to either 2 or 3 years after they have made their purchase of desktops/laptops.
The pay is reasonable with such simple job scope but the commission is pathetic.
Oh, by the way, the brand i'm working for is Lenovo at Newstead (reseller) booth.
The show lets me realise how well or rather decent a pay i got from working at Edifier for the last shows. xD
I thought the money earned by working as laptop promoters are easy but this show proves me wrong.
The promoters at my booth are fighting for sales because their basic is really low.
Furthermore, i would say only a few really know how to sell. Others are just luck that maybe the customers just want to buy that model or they have little IT knowledge themselves.

Suddenly i feel so old.. cuz the promoters there are mostly in their teens!
Felt wierd working on the first day because they literally treated me as transparent. Esp the I/C. I tried to introduce myself to the promoters and asked them to help me promote warranty to their customers if they are buying. Kind of wierd introducing.. but ya, made friends eventually.. But only really chatted with Hulk (guy who is in-charge of upgrading RAM) and Spiderman (boy who is assistant cashier). haha.. They named themselves that because i introduced myself as Doraemon. xD
We are more of the Zuo Bo ppl.. so we just literally chatted during the 4 days and only doing work if necessary.. xD
There once when Hulk and me are talking about pretty and handsome promoters.. Realised there's one pretty boy (promoter) who looks like Gary Cao.. cute.. haha. =x

and finally the Show is over pretty fast.. but still need to wait for another 1 mth for the pay! SloooooowwPoke! xP

Went for another interview today.. It's just a 1 day job at shenton way there..
Doing some lucky draw job for some Beauty and Wellness company and the aim of this project is to help them collect as many contacts.. Pretty easy!

Another good paying job awaiting. But not sure if it's easy..

Btw, i finally bought my Baby-G watch today! A pink one..
Thanks YL and Ol for ur company and opinions.
and Wow it costs me $150.
More than half of my SITEX Job pay.. =/

Miss bf!

Monday, November 23, 2009

New Furniture!

Well, got my new cupboard and paint for the whole house yesterday.
It seems like i had a real chat/talk with my brother ever since a long long time ago..
We discussed about the stuff to get and the colours to choose..
I really liked a white cupboard from Ikea, but what a pity the back of the cupboard was made of a thin piece of cardboard!
I ended up buying a sliding-door cupboard from one of the furniture sales we knew from the Newspaper somewhere near Aljunied MRT station. Those typical cupboards that most people have nowadays. It's still not as bad.. just that not unique enough.
Bought paint for the whole house too..
I wanted Dark grey and white for my room.. and so does everyone else's ..
The living room is to be painted Yellow and White..
I'm not sure if that yellow will be nice..
It's chosen by my brother..
and my door will be apple white..

Friday, November 20, 2009

It hurts

Sometimes i wonder why do i care so much when you are not interested.
We were talking finely, sweetly all about you.
I was just wondering and merely asking if u have anything to ask about me, just a very simple question..
like even though i said i'm going for an interview tml.
You don't even ask the simplest why and for what.
When i prompt if u have anything to ask about me, you only know to ask me what i want you to ask me with a 'wth'..
Isn't it the same as when i ask you for surprises and you asked me back what surprise do i want?

I know, i know u are having headache, but it is just a normal reaction to ask at least what job am i interviewing for when i said i'm going for an interview tml if you care.

DO YOU KNOW IT HURTS?! Esp u turn bad mood straight away and said 'wth' when i only meant a simple question like "Do you have anything to ask about me?" in a really very nice tone cuz i don't expect much actually but didn't expect a sudden change of mood from you as well esp the 'wth'.

I'm also confused when u said u were going shopping with your camp mates cuz when i asked you for a swim u can't because u got to study. I'm not saying that i mind cuz i know u might wish to have a nice catch up with them. But it just sets me thinking. I didn't qn u this cuz i am scared u might misunderstand. But you turned out on me by the slightest issue which didn't even meant to be one.

I tried not to get my feelings easily affected by you as i said previously i gave up, but it still hurts.. really really hurts and yes, i want you to know and know that i'm easily hurt by your little words or actions/ reactions cuz i really cared. I wish you really really can do smt abt it.. i'm being straight cuz i know i have to..

I dunno how else to handle if situations like this keep happening.
It is true that the 'Olive term' doesn't work in the long run.
I don't wish to live with that term.
I am really putting in effort, dunno if you realise, hope you do as well.

This entry is nutruel, not attacking but to improve.
I love you.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I can't believe this

Well, first day of the "X'mas Card Job"..
It went well at first.. as in the so call policy..
We are actually doing advertising through selling X'mas cards for this Company (shall not reveal the name).. This company rather pay us to do such advertising for them rather than paying $50K to a marketing firm to do the advertising. (Which i feel it's not a good way by selling X'mas cards.. First of all, few people nowadays buy X'mas cards.. Secondly, who would actually go to the website stated at the back of the X'mas card when they receive one?)

It goes like this..
50 of us are employed to sell X'mas cards.. Either on streets, door-to-door or wadeva method.
We were given 200 packets of X'mas cards each. Each packet costs $10 and there're 5 cards inside a pack. So, if our sales are good, lets say we manage to sell all 200 packs within 3 days, we will be paid $30 an hour. If we manage to sell all 200 packs within 5 days, we will be paid $20 an hour. But if we manage to sell or not sell after the 5 days (based on 1 week), we will be paid $10 an hour. and the thing is we are required to work 5 hrs a day, location is selected ourselves.

So this morning, YL and me went to collect the cards from the office. As 200 cards are too heavy for us to carry, the person i/c asked us to take only 50 each first. so we did. and we end up decided to do door-to-door at AMK. We went to a building near AMK central and did 0 sales for that entire building. Due to the heaviness of the cards and the pain on shoulder, we decided to head to YL's hse to leave part of the 50 each in her hse. We continued to sell at her block. But again, disappointing sales of 1 out of the entire big building. We thought this is not gonna work. We headed back to her hse as our things are still in the hse. At this moment, someone from the office called, telling me that the agreement has changed. He says that because they are not able to monitor whether we are working or not, and due to some feedback of the others asking questions like what if they can't sell, they decided to change the 'rule' to: We will not get paid if we didn't manage to sell all the 200 cards within 7 days, but will only get paid $1.50 for each pack sold.

Nonsense don't you think? Where got people/employer changed the policy only after their employees started work? We put in so much effort carrying the heavy bags going door to door and made 0 sales and now you tell us this. We wasted our day, our bus and MRT fare (We made quite a few trips down to the office because of this job), wasted on food when we could have ate at home, and most important of all, we wasted job opportunities that we could have taken up during this period. One apology and he caused us this much. Absurd!

Just admit if you are too young to be a boss! Your marketing strategy is not going to work!

Anyway, YL and me decided that it's not worth continuing the job after the call if the sales is going at this rate. It's not going to cover all our expenses. So we brought back the remaining 99 cards back to the office and told them we quit. The I/C told us that we could actually bring back the cards and sell it at our own free time until mid-dec and that we can sell it to our friends and family and get paid $1.50 per pack sold. Isn't it still dumb? Because normally people will just buy a pack or two from you and it takes time and money for you to meet the person up to pass the cards to him/her. So we are actually not earning afterall!


Luckily we did apply for the Levnovo Job at the IT Fair.
Called this morning and the lady said we are confrimed as one of the staff working.
But she msged in the evening saying that we will only be confirmed only after going through an interview tml.. Zzz.. Still thought that we are finally able to slack at home tml.. and the place is damn far.. ):

Monday, November 16, 2009

Heart broken, blankness, confusions, not enthu anymore.




FUCK eh.
Recently was all fucked up.
Esp r/s..
i alrdy dunno what to do, how to say.
He just didnt seem to get it no matter how straight forward i was when conveying the msg.
I thought i was alrdy very clear but i dunno why it's still like this.
It has come to a point tt i really gave up trying to make him understand.
Just let it be..
just have to bear with it?
although i really dun wish to use the 'Olive phrase - 习惯就好'..
cuz that would mean that we girls have admit to fate and have to be unhappy in that certain area in the r/s.
but i've tried.
It didnt work.
i dun think there's anything more i can do to make him understand me.
It's really HARD to get him moving.
It will only lead to another quarrel if i try again..
I give up... reallllllllllyyyyyyyyy
and forced to accept that 'Olive phrase' . ]=



9 mths.
9 mths is always the time all the shit happens.
9 mths sucks!

As i said, I felt not as impt as before.
heart shattered once he walk off or rather ride-off on me before i can finish my sentence.
Well done.. very well done...
Thanks for letting me n yourself know where i stand in your heart now.
cuz i know you will never do that in the past.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hot and Cold

11 Nov 2009


As I told Hazel yesterday, vulgarities will not come out verbally from my mouth unless I am seriously angry and I can say it ALOUD now!

I feel so stupid if I’m still going to meet him later for dinner. But I will cuz I dun wanna make matter worse.. although I’m not sure if there will be another quarrel later.

I seriously feel like I’m an idiot. Low class idiot. Why do I even volunteer to accompany him for interview in the first place? I just felt it’s sweet to have your loved ones there to support u. I can wait for him for his interview. I dun mind shopping alone while waiting for him (u know I hate to be alone). But I dun mind doing that just for him. I felt it’s just what I should do. But I realized I’m not appreciated at all.

I know U didn’t want me to waste my time there waiting for u for hours. Perhaps u dun need me there too. If so, I felt I just thought too much. I was wrong that it will be better if I’m there. I was so wrong. I rushed preparing, thinking of what clothes I should wear, ironing, making up, all rushing. And this is what I got in the end. I rushed because of u. But I rushed for nothing.

It isn’t as easy as u said – “Just change back your home clothes and remove your make up lah.” But all other things count. U never considered my thoughts. If you really don’t wish to waste my time waiting for you, you could have insisted me not accompanying you yesterday ( u told me yst not to acc you and meet just for dinner but I said I want to acc you and u said okay) and not wait till your friend tell you and u listen to your friend. Furthermore it’s so last minute that I only saw your msg just before I’m stepping out of my door, when I’m all ready to go out. HATE IT!
I’m feeling tired from all the quarrels so far. I really can see/feel the difference. And I felt I’m not that important anymore. The truth is – It hurts. U better know what to do tonight! If not, I.. gave up.


Indeed another quarrel that night. We might, a little silence on the train and good again. We had dinner at Ma Maison. Nice and filling dinner. Both of us had hamburger steak. I had the 250g while he had the 300g, plus a starter - different kinds of sausages and clam chowder soup. For another moment, i'm treasuring him again. One sentence that he said touched me - "I want to be able to provide for you comfortably." Suddenly, i felt like i love him more. I seriously like it and love him more when we have sensible talks. I like the more upright him, you know, when we have serious talks.

All went well, till the last part when we were about to go home. I decided to go his hse tgt with him as i know things will turn out well again rather than we part home, things will be hanging at the negative side. So all went well again.

and on and off and on and off. Accompanying him studying for his Insurance test now at Cartel. Like another war again ?

Sunday, November 08, 2009


I have so much to say but yet when i'm prepared to write something, i'm blank-out again. Blank as in.. so much to say until i dunno where to start from. Overall, one word to describe - Disheartened

Feel so fucked up the whole day.
Nth is going right.
Except that i'm able to earn a little profit to fund my driving lessons by selling iPhone.
Sister, bus driver, bee, and now another sister - wanting to chase me out of the room cuz she wans to slp alrdy. Not too much but just irritates me because my small sis did that to me yesterday and both times are once i set up my laptop, charger and hard disk den str8 away kena chased out. furthermore, i need the aircon today. it's fucking hot! So i dun care, although she has some privilege but i wun off the light and get out of the room because of her.. not even because she brought back stuff for us from Aus and NZ.

FUCK! FUCK is the word today.

In da morning, my younger sis asked me to help her tie hair, when i'm rushing for time alrdy cuz bee sud say wanna meet at 2pm when we were supposed to meet at 3pm. I told her dun wan cuz i'm rushing for time. But i did help her in the end. It's not that i dunno how to tie. It's just that her hair is so thick and wet it makes it all difficult to manage. and she dun wanna blow her hair. So i gave up after like.. 3mins? den she blew out at me, blaming that i should have told her if i dunno how to tie and that i wasted her time. i was like WTF, u were the one who pleased me. CB!

2nd thing was when i was on the bus on my way to tamp inter.. the bus was so packed and the bus driver almost hit a little boy who was cycling and trying to cross the traffic light. If not the people in the bus warned the bus driver to stop, i think he would have hit the boy. So the bus driver did gave a sudden break and most of the people who stood fell. Beside me was a fat middle aged man who totally leaned on me.. and i twisted my wrist a little but not that bad. Just that i really had a shock! I was standing just beside the bus driver. Noises arose, passengers were mumbling about the incident. Some aunties were pointing out to the bus driver that "you should still look out for people crossing the road even if it's green light!". The bus driver replied that his view was blocked by us. Sigh, luckily he didn't hit the boy.

I met bee to go Summerset Hello shop to look for kor. Helping my dad to upgrade his plan as well as to re-contract and get a new phone as i have obtained a $100 for him previously because his phone is spoiled. He is currently using a spare phone that we have at home. Some Nokia slide phone which has complicated buttons. Now that he has mastered how to use it, he dun wish to change a new phone. Thus, i got an iPhone to sell using my dad's line. After getting the phone, bee and me went for some 'slight' snack. we ended up having 2 boxes of Takopachi and 1 Shiok sushi.=.= What happened after that i dun wish to mention. Just disappointment.

Afterall, i started thinking that am i feeling what B is feeling or not? I'm not demanding whatever, but i just felt the difference. I hate it when he sleeps alot. sleep after sleep. Not that sleeping is wrong. Not that i wun let him sleep when he's tired. But that is really a lot of sleep. I'm starting to feel like his sleeping time overtakes the time he is suppose to spent with me or smt. i Dun like the replies he gave me whenever i happen to call.. he just wan to say byebye. i hate it when he give short replys or lag replys when i'm toking to him. I felt we dun really have much to talk now when we are together. We talk lesser on phone too.

Anyway, i sold the phone straight away when i reached Tamp inter and came back home while Bee went for his wedding dinner. I knew it that my mum will ask this qn when she sees my face - "Did you cry?" I tried to hide it. But just for a while only. I still can't hide. That's the thing i hate most when things like this happen cuz i dunno what to say or explain when she asks why or what happened.


Yesterday was Joan's Birthday party at Aranda Club. Although it was just a few hours, but i really had fun. We played Bridge and BlackJack as usual. A lot of people seems to be 'Bridge-averse' but we managed to teach Yan Ling and Wen Long yesterday and they played well! Only Rui Heng still dun get it after watching so many rounds. haha. and Black Jack is a standard tradition that we always play, having gamblers like myself, and Ee Teng. haha. I always enjoy the company of 4E2! Funny and nice people. (:


Met didi and Korkor on Friday for Suki Sushi buffet as well as listen to Kor's cry. Ended up didi also emo and i'm faced with 2 emo guys.. Kor is beyond hope. I dunno how i can save him. I can only lend a listening ear.. cuz he is stubborn! He ownself wan to find trouble to no one can save him from going into deep shit. =p For didi, i hope he wun make any impulse decision. He is quite Ke Lian. haha. Starbucks after Buffet and den movied - Poker King! Omg. Fatness. and $$$. x__X


Thurs was my last exam paper - Biz Finance. Killer paper. All that i've studied came out. Those chaps that i liked came out. BUT in a much more difficult way. 50/50 chance of passing. dun dare to think. X_x. Feeling same as last sem. Not exceptionally happy because it's the last paper but felt rather shitty. Just have to pray for the best. Met SY and J for Camp briefing (it's a job). Went to KateSpade warehouse sales at Ubi before that.. J wanna buy bag. But didn't in the end because most was sold out! The briefing made me not feeling like working anymore cuz it's acatually working as a camp facilitator which is not my style. So is YL. so we decided not to work. Luckily the person-in-charge never probe for reason or so. Sry girls to leave u all behind but i really can't imagine myself doing all those cheers. But i believe ya all will enjoy the camp!

Back at Tamp to meet Hei Hei and Joyjoy for dinner at Ding Tai Feng. It's my 2nd visit there. Food are nice. Esp the sour and spicy soup joy intro-ed. It's really a must have. I will order if i go there next time!
Shopped a little after dinner, went to joy's house after Heihei passed dinner to her mum. Colgate grew fatter and more handsome! He even learned some new tricks. But he was naughty enough to keep biting on to my feet at a point of time. but I still love him! xD

Heihei let me drove her car back home after that and taught me how to do parking at my hse there de parking space. Rather scary cuz i'm not used how her pedal works. a little harder to control than Honda Freed (the car i used to learn driving). Esp when i need to reverse the car on a sloped parking lot. scared my step the pedal too hard, never stop in time and hit the back curb. xD but all went well. Thanks to Instructor Hei! xD

Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm loving it!

Tell me what u lack in the monopoly game by MacDonald's.. We might match to win a prize. xP i'm lack of Thomson Road, Orchard Road, Shenton Way, Scotts Road, Joo Chiat Road &.... Sentosa Cove(don't even think of it).. hahaha

Bee lost my Toa Payoh!!!
We already gotten AMK..
If we gets Bishan, he's going to sponsor my $200 voucher at Toys'Rus!!! =P
Heard that Bishan is quite easy to get de..
Tao Payoh is the hard one! and he lost it!! T.T

Friday, October 23, 2009


All of a sudden, those couples who broke up at that period of time have found their other half again..
You all have my blessings.. (:

Thursday, October 22, 2009




Thursday, October 08, 2009


What a cold weather..
Nice weather to sleep..
But.. cannot!
I'm suppose to meet Oli to study at airport till tml morning..
But the weather and all makes me lazy!
Sorry Oli, make u cant send your bf off.. hehe..
Hope you are enjoying your time with him at his place now..

Driving lesson ended at 6.30pm..
Shitty. I dunno how to change lane when the road is congested.
They just won't let me change even after knowing that i'm learning.
grrrr.. Things like that really will demoralize me hur.
Oh, btw, my TP date is gonna be on 17th Dec. (:

Study was not very effective today and since i'm not going to the airport,
I will try to keep myself awake as late as possible to study at home.

The new bejeweled blitz in FB is cool!
Much more fun than the previous version.
Ah, shit, why they come out with such addictive one at this point in time?

Bangkok Trip will most probably be set somewhere between 28th Dec to 3rd Jan.
Got to dig out money again. ):
YL is so good. Her trip was paid for. =/
Let it be post exam trip.
Girls, want buy Wacoal or Triumph bra? Tell me!

Dear dear is sick today..
Poor boy.
Too bad i needa study, can't be by his side.. ):
I miss you!
Gonna wait till Sat when i go renew my passport..

Sunday, October 04, 2009


All of a sudden, i remembered i do have a blog. =D
Tired tired.
Jorine's bdae chalet was a success!
Am sorry cuz i was not able to stay over for the first night and don't think really have time to hang out during her return this time becuz of nearing terrifying examinations.. =/
Btw, her aunties are great cooks!
It's seriously better than outside catering. lol.
Had a great time.
O btw, received my bdae present from ST and ZB.. a Burberry perfume. Thanks!
ST was so hardworking that she even brought her OB stuff to ask me!
Omg scary. =/
3 more weeks to actual exams! SIAO LIAO LAR! gjguhguitbhutbjnjub
Internet is a serious distraction.
Should really start going out and have serious studies starting tml!
shld i study now?
but i'm tired.. and i'm always tired. D:

Bee started his driving lesson.
Whee.. happy for him.
one step forward to possibility of him owning a car. lol. xD
He drove his friend's RX dunno wad damn chio car to Jorine's chalet yst.
he has got balls. =/ xD
i also wan driveee..

the cell grp came to somewhere near the chalet and gave XM a surprise bdae celebration. She didn't suspect a bit or it was rather unexpected.
Can she she was really happy. (:

Well, i guess i go study now.. i try la hur.. try not to fall aslp..Zzz

Friday, September 18, 2009


how stupid.

I'm sure going to this restaurant some day when i started working!

Yee Ling, Allan, Darren, Baby, Hazel, Joyce! Let's go!!! Katong Mall!
I'm sure there's some replacement for Wasabi Tei! =D

and here as well! Matsuo Sushi at Gold Hill Plaza

Just look at those pictures!!!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009


I'm damn irritated cuz i wanted very much to do my Project but seriously dunno how to do!
I've tried to do my Porter's Five.
Sorta done 3 parts of it.
BUT i felt i was rubbishing.
I wanna sleep.
But couldn't.
and having a bad headache now. ):
Aunts and uncles playing MJ in the living rm.
Noisy. ):

I didnt want to continue my proj.
Yet i didnt want to FB either.
I was thinking what else to do using the com besides Proj and FB-ing.
I asked my sis.
She said read people's blog.
So i went YL's and Xx's.
I only read 2 entries of Xx's blog.
and i saw her video on she and KK kissing.
Dun understand her.
But she's just so ew.
But KK was the real HOT rather than Xx.

Anyway, about the home based job that some of u all knew about,
it's confirmed FAKE!
According to YL's cousin and cousin's bf.
I'm not so angry of the $18 lost.
Mainly because i nv hope much for this job.
and my instinct from the beginning proves me right!
I have this really bad instinct from the beginning ever since i knew about the job.
The feeling just came.
Well, just take it as $18 for a lesson learnt.
We were thinking to make a police report.
See how. if time allows us to, we'll geigei go for training and collect evidence!!!
Just wait u OLD UNCLE. D8<


Happy 7th monthsary dear.. ((:
Celebration was of cuz, eat again...
This time with YL and AL.
Planned to go for Wasabi Tei BUT it was closed on a MONDAY!
The sudden of not operating on that day makes us go rounds and clueless of what other alternative to have for dinner. Darren actually experienced that either the day before or after and ended up spending lots of time thinking of what to eat. So, Wasabi Tei, u are really important to lots of people despite your Level 1 service!!!
In the end, we went to Food Republic cuz i wanna eat the Shiok Sushi.
It was really damn shiok!
The couple ordered a Cold Soba, Mixed Sashimi.
We ordered Baby Optopus, a Bento set and Shiok Sushi.
and all of us shared a seasonal Sashimi for $28.
We all ended up ordering another Shiok Sushi cuz it's just too Shiok and irrisistable. (:

Start of IT Show.
First day morning.
Our Breakfast.

Edifier, a passion for sound. xD

First day's packed dinner.

I forgot to take foto of the 2nd day's.. It's Bee Hoon Kosong!!!
How pathetic.


gahh.. i dunno how to do my proj!

Thursday, September 03, 2009


I have not been studying..
I actually decided to study up abit of GM before starting the proj..
But ended up spending hours at searching for the prdt i'm interested to find out from the suppliers.
I suddenly thought that it has been a long time i haven entered Friendster.
So i went in and took a look.
I've got 191 inbox..
I'm currently at the 7th and out of the those are some wierd, nice, funny, and pervertic msges.. =.=
Wierd / Funny - This guy from Italy saying he's coming over to Sg for holi somewhere in May and staying over at SwissHotel The Stamford.. He asked me if it's a good hotel and would like to meet me when he comes... lol
Another asked if i can run somewhere in Tampines or East Coast park on Weekends.
Nice - Saying i'm pretty.
Pervertic - You know wad. It's a long msg that he typed. But i think it's a std msg that he spam any other girl's inbox cuz i found someone posted his msg in her LJ. lol

Perhaps u girls shld go and check ur accs. Must have alot of inbox as well. lol

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Wad's wrong?

I dunno what's wrong with us recently.
Ya perhaps the honeymoon period is over finally hur. haha.
Quarrels keep coming up just when i thought it was resolved.
Well, i hope it really had been resolved this time.

Saw from YL's blog.
It's good but i thought i could have been better if the background can be softer.
Perhaps they shldn't use a mic.

I thought this is not bad as well.
But dunno why their turning of heads annoys me abit. =D

I like this one.. the actions.. Haha..
Makes me think of Nelson Kwei's Choir.. =D

I love this so perfectly that i'm dl-ing it into my Touch! 8D

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Talking about "mother" issue right now With Oli and YL.
Sigh. I just wish my parents are like Olive's or XN's.
They are more like friends rather than parents and daughter r/s.
Isn't it much more fun to be this way rather than .. something else?
Y can't our parents just trust us?
If you are scared that something might happen during the night if we and our partners are tgt, den there's really nth to worry about cuz we not only can do the wrong things at night but the day!
Sometimes i dun wish to lie to my parents also (i'm not saying that i always lie to them. Perhaps 1 or 2 times) but i have to.
Who likes to lie to their parents?
Okay, maybe some people does but at least not me.
If you parents can give us more trust, then things wouldn't turn sour rite.
Sigh.. blob blob blob.
Nah.. It's not that something happened to me and my parents..
But just talking about it generally.
Sometimes i wish i am the only child in the family.
But YL made me think twice.
Only child means over-protective too. well...
She wished that she has annoying siblings..
I have.. 3 siblings ard me.. But too bad i'm born the 'blacksheep'..
If only my mum trusts me, then i wun have this kinda probs now..

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Perhaps it's my fault that i didn't bring across the msg properly.
I know, u said i nv consider your feelings when i said it.
But it's not like i nv tell u before and u once promised me you will do it but u did not.
I'm only bringing it up once again, the same issue.
If u said i nv consider your feelings, den have u considered mine?

I thought it would be best if i could talk things to you rather than my best friends or this blog.
But it seems like it is not that situation anymore.
I have come back here.
I discussed the matter with YL today.
She too, agreed with me.
I guess most ppl will agree with me.
But since you stick to your stand, then i also got nth else to say.

I regret telling u again abt this matter.
Becuz i thought it was just another casual talk that we are going to have
and it's not like we nv talked abt it before.
I really didn't expect such big reaction of you.
That it makes situation different now.
I hated myself now for saying it.
although i still think it was nth serious. (becuz i didnt mean that i Xian Qi you being like this)
becuz if i noe it's gonna be like this, i wld rather not mention.
But well, what said is said.
Knowing that it actually hurts u so deeply hurts me alot as well.
i am sorry to hurt you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


上个星期六,方课过后去 PlazaSing 见宝贝。。
应为他要吃 Manhatten Fish Market 。。
结果应为这个月就快没钱了,我们便 order 了 menu 上最便宜的一餐 - DoryFish

吃完晚餐过后,我们看了一部电影- The Proposal


昨天,我和衣玲到 National Library 去读书和作 project。。
结果只做了一点的 project, 却没动到 Business Finance。。
读到一半时,Leonard 还上来找我们,说了一声“嗨”就走了。。
他说衣玲好像不是很想他上来,所以他掉头就走了。。 哈哈。。笨猪。。
结果想到 Little India 吃印度餐。。 哈哈。。
我们从 ieatishootipost 的 网站看到一间满不错的印度餐馆,打算试一试。。
那地方在 Selegie Road.. 我们找了 Street directory, 再去 hunt 哪个 place。。
Ta-da! 我们找到了!

可喜的是,食物没有往上讲的那么好吃。。 ):

Friday, August 21, 2009


Last Sun was Joyjoy's bdae celebration.
We had fun.
Had fun teasing heihei and wads the guy's name.
Hope Joyce had fun too!
Thanks baby for helping out.
I know u were damn tired and had to wake damn early the next morning but you still accompanied me stay till late.
Thanks! lub u! (:

Dad suddenly say wanna dine out at Changi Village Hawker on Mon.
Just nice that the market was having spring cleaning.
So we went to the Ubin Seafood Restaurant beside. haha..
wow.. Papa go and order the bamboo shell thingy..
I was so happy cuz i wanted to try that long ago but it was too expensive for me to try.
It costs $8 per piece that day and dad order without realising the price.
He ordered 4, one each.
He only realise when we told him about the price.
hahahahaha.. but ok la.. he dun have much reaction. so JUST EAT!
Hmm.. tried it. It was okay.. quite nice. sweet. But Gonggong was comparable.
So i will definitely not spend $8 on one bamboo shell.
I rather spend it on a plate of gong gong or go market buy better still. =D
Had flower crabs too. and the cuttlefish vege, and jacket fish.
Bill up to $99.82. :/

Shitty things happened that night.
Baby was emoing.
But i didn't blame him cuz i know he it's not his normal self.
But it got me frustrated when i got wronged further by him even though i comforted him.
So i was super duper angry that night.
He apologised.
Suppose to meet him day after.
i was still angry, but told myself to just forget and forgive.
But he was late.
i'm suppose to meet him at Tampines for dinner after sch.
And found out that he was lying on his bed when i reached Tamp.
I got even more upset.
cuz he didnt even sound surprised when he knew he was late.
ya, i went to the extend that i hid in the washroom cubicle at Tamp One and cried.
It's like i feel so unimportant.
i thought knowing that i was angry, the more he shouldnt be late.
and he argues that i didn't understand how tired he was as he had little sleep for past few days.
I just dun wanna mention 'me too'.
I even can fall aslp during lec that day.
First time in SIM.
i was so angry but i make the effort not to be angry and meet him up so as to minimise quarrels.
but ya, shit came out.
and silence most of the time.
i was thinking if i was stupid.
I initiated to hold his hands but didn't felt him holding it tight.
I initiated again to hug him but he just stood there.
I turned my body ard immediately, totally disappointed.
i still dun think im at fault. but i initiated things and got ignored.
I felt real lousy.
Well, things were in the end sorted and i knew he was angry with me for not understanding that he has not enough sleep that's why he's late. =.=
and angry with me for flaring up at him because he was late. sigh.
But i still feel i got more right to be angry with him right? Zzz.
wellwell, it's over anyway.
although up till now if i mention i still get angry.
but keep reminding myself that a "sorry" or a hug heals everything.

Met baby yesterday.
Sushi at Nihon Mura.
Eat till super full again.
Movied "Where Got Ghost" by Jack Neo.
Super Duper Funny!
Laugh till i tear!
Although it's not a very good show,
but the funny part is worth watching. haha.
YL even wanna watch 2nd time. lol

Today was dinner with Heihei and joyjoy.
Decided not to go Arnold's in the end.
So heihei drove us to this wonderful place that has Western, Jap, Chinese, Thai and Germany cuisine to choose from since we were so indecisive. =D
In the end we tried the Thai Restaurant. There's this promo - $1 for a seafood dish if spend a minimum of $38.
So we spent minimum $38 and got Crab Tang Hoon for just $1.
We really know how to eat man.
We really had a spread. SEE BELOW!

Friday, August 14, 2009


I have been spending.. D:
The middle pic are my presents for 21st bdae.
Thanks people!
The others are those i bought.
I take it as the Queens gave me the Oxymask set, B-liv Gdbye those Heads, and an External Hard Disk (Yet to purchase).

The Om nom noms.
Macadamia nut.
The Nut shell broke.
Meiji Poifull Jellybeans!
I rmb i keep buying it during Poly Yr 1. =3

Thursday, August 13, 2009


It's obviously bias and i dun wanna argue with u!
I didn't loose but i still cried.
Why is it that it is always me.
I am the one who always washes the dishes besides u.
I am the only one that takes my meals myself.
I am the one who helps u out occasionally.
I dun mean that i am good because i did all these.
Ya, this is my duty.
But why don't you tell them off when they never even did a single chore?
and yet, keep nagging at me when i helped u out.
It's not like i dun wanna help u today.
It's not like i'm playing or what.
I'm studying. I'm trying to do my school work.
So what's the big fuss?
Isn't it so unfair?
They even need you to scoop the rice and the dishes on a plate nicely ready to serve them.
They dun even wash their dishes or even bring them to the sink.
Can you even think before u scold me?
U dun even blame my sis for not folding clothes or whatsoever.
and many other things i dun wanna mention.
I know, im the dumbness of them all.
I'm in the middle of them so i got no special treatment.
I can't even fight for a study table.
My sis will always be the priority when it was stated that the table was to be shared among us.
Complaining isn't gonna work. She's just going to keep quiet.
I rmb my sis telling me. " I let you to use the table last night leh!" one day when i was having exam, as if the table is all hers, which she admits she thinks that way.
It's so frustrating when i heard that.
Sometimes, i just wish she wasn't born.
i dun deny she's a good companion sometimes but she's really getting on my nerves at times.
Everyone in the family esp parents seem like they are afraid of her cuz of her temper.
So what if she's fierce. So you gave in to her most of the time?
You said my temper is bad.
Is it really?
I think i only angers more easily when i'm at home cuz it's full of unfairness.
You always said i'm the spoilt cuz i always get what i want.
I have heard you say this sentence for at least 15 years?
All because of the toys i wanted to get when i was young.
Things like Barbie dolls, Scrabble, Life, gameboy.
I admit i wanted quite a number of things when i was young and i get you all to buy for me.
BUT am i the only one?
His Legos were much more expensive.
My barbie doll is only 1. and perhaps 2 sets of clothes and that's all.
His were collections.
Not only i get what i wanted, my sis got it too. Things like gameboy and digimon.
She would have rejected.
But all these.. it's normal for a child to whine for.
But after that?
What did i ask for?
For that, you have been calling me a spendthrift for 15 years..
Oh no, you always said it like " 家里最会花钱的就是你了!"
Enough of it will you?
Even if i did, i used my own money to pay for them.
Things like camera, ps2 and handphones.
and then why dun you say my sisteres spendthrift as well?
I rmb you scolding me when i buy clothes home but never scold sis when she does.
You just curiously look at what clothes she bought.
My another sis. She's spendthrift as well, just that you dun see it.
It's not as if i am a person who doesn't know how to save.
Sigh, don wanna talk about it anymore.
I know you care, but i know i always come last among them.
I'm sorry if i raised my voice at you but i just couldn't help, being on the unfair side.


It has been a really tired day!
But here i am blogging at 12.30am.
cuz i'm too full to slp.

Freaking tired these 2 days.
DUnno why..
I have been falling deeply aslp on the train while on the way to sch.
Today is SSCM individual project submission.
Submitted the project with no confidence at all.
The teacher seriously sucks.
can fall aslp in his lec.
Reached sch today, wanted to print lec notes.
But becuz the comp in the lib is only microsoft viewer, we cant print our lec notes in handout form from there..
Gotta go to the photocopy room and queue for that 1 and only desktop.
Long queue because it's proj submission day.
Only can use that com to edit if u never bring ur own lappy.
Crap rite. Lousy facilities.
So we took damn long time to get the notes printed.
Of cuz we were late for lec..
Cuz we shopped at the Bazzar after printing. lol.
i bought a set of bikini and YL got a dress..
Damn cheap. haha.
YS bought a set of bikini too when she arrives at 3pm.
OL was thinking whther to buy a top but im not sure if she gets it in the end.
Me and YL only managed to attend the last 45 mins of the lec.
lol. anyway, he really teach just by almost literally reading out from the slides.
So actly wads the point of attending lec?
it's the most sian thing if u get this kind of lecturer.
It's like pay the money for nth and u attend lec as if u dun.

Was damn tired. and having heavy head after lec.
We were thinking whether to go shopping or not.
Anyway i'll be meeting baby at 7 plus at Bugis..
so thinking of just go out den meet him straight after that.
So Far East with YL and YS after lec.
We spent almost the same amt today.
Omg, BROKE is the word.
YS got herself a top and YL got herself a pair of wedges and me, a pair of heels.

Met baby for dinner at Bugis after that.
Suppose to go Sim Lim to buy external hard disk.
BUT... i dun think i can take it if i spend so much in a day.
so dropped the idea.
Perhaps wait for next month's IT fair.
Shopped a lil before baby reach.
Saw those kind of 2-piece (half half) swimsuit.
i wanna get BUT it's $79!
hais... i is no money. ):
Dinner at sakae..
seriously dunnno wad to eat.
so anyhow.

our recent chats are the topic of whether is he going to study or work after his NS.. and slowly link to the future. .
But i seriously think he should just work for 2 yrs first den see how. =/
Bus 23 back to tamp to get his bicycle den send me home.

Pinwen was on the same bus.
Not bad eh he still got buy me bdae present.
i thought he MIA me. lol.

Received a call from Kenneth.
He's in Thailand and he called back to wish me happy birthday.
Although it was abit late.. haha..
but thanks! i do feel honoured. lols.
See.. i always think my 4E2 guys are hao nan rens.
lols. ((:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Yum Cha

Friday was staying over at Yee Ling's house to do project..
Ya we did some of it.. haha..
but ended up playing because sasha intro-ed us a website
It's to talk to strangers.
YL was laughing her ass off cuz of those conversations and that eventually wakes her 100%.
I went to bed at 2.30am while Yl, 4am.
Morning was bf at her hse.
Her mum made Banana cup cakes. but failed a little due too too much bananas in the recipe.
Headed to school for GM lecture after that.

YL & Winnie =3

Sunday was National Day!
Happy Birthday Singapore!
Happy 6 mths baby!
Day was spent at baby's house, BBQ-ing.
It was suppose to be a family BBQ but it just doesn't seem like one to me.
A serious talk about baby's future was started by his dad after the dinner.
His dad wanted him to study FT after NS and doesn't allow him to take part-time jobs! D:
D: D: D:
That will take like 3 years? D:
It worries me as well.

Movie UP at 11.10pm. with joy and potato. It wasn't as what i expected.
Perhaps i have higher expectation. I find it abit boring.
i will rate it a 2/5.
Reached home at 1plus am.

Was awaken by my sis at 8am this morning.
Waking me up to go for Yam Cha at Chinatown.
It's a restaurant name Red Star Restaurant.

It was 9am when we reached.
Crowded with people though the place is quite ulu.
Queued for 25 minutes before we got our seats.
The restaurant is quite big and it's those HK style with waitress pushing the carts of dim sum around.

Haha. This pic was blurred cuz the auntie moved.
The food was quite nice.
Some of them are unique.
But the price is expensive too.
The normal dim sum u get outside is about $2.50 to $2.80.
But i think there is from $3.40 onwards.
We ate a total of $70 for 5 pax.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Sum up

Met up family for korkor's bdae..
Sakae-ed at Wheelock Place.
After that movie at Cathay.
Forgotten what's the title of the movie. =x

Met up with SY and XN for a hair cut some day before my bdae celebration.
We decided to give Storm a try since there's a promotion going on.
Haircut + Wash + Blow = $20.90.
I wanted just a trim initially.
But ended up a big difference.
But still acceptable. ((:
Slacked at Cartel after that.
The snack is really cheap after the 50% off.
$1.10 each for the platter.. Hahahaha.. =P

Sat was my 21st bdae celebration.
was kinda disappointed at first cuz the most impt ppl were all late.
only left baby and me trying hard to blow and decorate the balloons in time.
and to go and rent and carry the 2 BBQ pits.
But luckily, things turned out fine.
Now i understand what Rui Heng told me previously.
Confirm gonna be busy even if there's nothing really to prepare before going.
Realize alot of things that i missed out.
Things like Scissors, Rags, and ya i think i really should make clear what's included in the catering and the quantity, price and so forth.
But it's ok.. Everyone has their first time.

Really wanna thank:
#1. Baby - for helping me out with everything and really be so sweet.
I love the flowers!
Thank eu for helping with the balloon decorations, standing whole day and BBQ-ing for my guests and never eat much despite your sprained foot.
I know it's hard for u to quit smoking.
But i noe u did for me.
I can understand if sometimes u are still tempted.
I'm seriously touched by things u've done for me, told me, and promised me.
I felt it that they are from the bottom of your heart.
I will cherish you too.
Love ya deep!

#2. Wei Quan - for catering me the food and full service (delivering, BBQ-ing, Buying extras) provided. haha.

#3. Eugene - for being one of my BBQ man and helping out with the decorations.

#4. Queens - for helping me out with the decorations(and sasha), BBQing, serving my guests and trying to get me whatever John might not be able to give (the helium balloons). haha.
Thank u gers! *Hugs*

#5. Friends who stayed overnight - Thanks for making the nights alive.

#6. All other guests - Thanks for your prescence, wishes and gifts and ang baos. Sorry for not being a good host!

Some of the pics taken using my HP.

Dinner with Heihei, Joy and XM after school on my actual bdae at Wisma Atria's Food Republic.
One of the Jap stall.
The main purpose was to eat the SHIOK SUSHI.
It was really damn SHIOK!
Shopped alittle and Durian desserts at Goodwood Park Hotel after that.
Super sinful!

Met Baby at Cartel at around 10.45pm.
Bought Durian shruddel and crepe for him since he craving for durian the day before.
slacked till 11.30pm before going home.
Nothing much. No pic! ):

Friday, July 31, 2009


Felt like going to the loo every 5 minutes. 8D
hahaha.. Pain la. Sian.

Trying very very hard to get the proj starting.
So far only drafted out the skeleton of the report.
Roughly know what to do.
but still not sure if i'm on the right track.
So bored.
Miss my baby..

Something to share.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Gd Morning!

Beri beri bored.
Thinking of wad to do today..
My stupid instructor always say wanna call to arrange for next lesson but always never arrange.
Make me dunno whether call to ask him or not..
but if always like that also... like.. paiseh..
Today is Monday alrdy..
I wish to take at least 2 lessons this week de..

Just saw QT's blog.
Not only her.

Give me more money~
Swear to be rich real soon!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ji Ba Ban

The next thing that made me laugh.


YL.. told ya. when i see u, u sneeze, i dun.
When i dun see u, i sneeze the whole day. and again today.

Feel fucked up now.
with the quarrels.
Kinda nonsense. but nvm.
felt super idiotic to tell him i miss him while in the quarrel.
But nvm tts how i felt.
but the thing is. it's the first time he nv reply back a "i miss u too" .
ok i noe. it's a quarrel.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Boo.. feels like i never blog for a long time..
but in fact it's just a few days.
Wells.. Attended 2 modules' lecture so far..
Kind of like finance. =p
cuz it involves lots and lots of CALCULATIONS. *luvs*
Tsktsk.. ((:
Partly becuz of the lecturer as well.
Not becuz he's handsome though.
In fact he's some 40 + to 50 yr old uncle.
But i really think that he's able to teach well. ((:
This mod requires us to purchase a finance calculator that costs $38. =.=
and if u noe i'm seriously broke now.
i hate to see my bank acc now.. Zzz.
I hope i can find someone who has the calculator and is able to lend me for the current sem!
The time variation for calculating answer using finance calculator and scientific calculator is so big. (although i wld still like to use the scientific method.. but it wld take minutes.. compared to finance calculator which only takes seconds.) :D
U must think i'm crazy. =p

Miss baby..
He just came back from Genting today.
Thought able to meet him for dinner.. but.. sigh.
ok. Understand tt he's tired. but why only meet on fri or sat?
Already asked my mum not to cook my dinner.
Sometimes i felt.. dunno. i will just keep checking my phone to see if he wakes up and sms me saying that he change his mind to meet me instead. but in the end nth..
Not onli this time but few times alrdy.
when he sud say he cant make it.
maybe i hope too much. and den disappointed more easily hur.
Was on the way home.. not sure of wad to da bao back.
lazy to think. so wanted to get chicken rice from 500+ there.
But only left breast meat and it's roasted.
Didnt buy in the end.
dunno why felt pissed.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Om nom nom

These are some of the photos taken from previous days' supper.

Met baby on fri..
Went Bugis..SimLim Sq..
He helping his cousin buy some stuff..
and i was craving for some traditional Indian food by some roadside coffee shop.
But we were kinda lost in that little foreign country.
Didn't see anyone of it worth our patronage.
None seems tasty.
The shops were either empty or filled with ppl but only drinking and not eating.
We walked a few streets.
Then an Indian lady spotted us kinda lost.
So she welcomed us into her restaurant.
We gave it a try base on the special bare foot dining.
I would say the food is not bad,
the ambiance is good,
service is prompt,
but a little pricey due to small portions.

We had safron and coloured rice,
Cheese Nan,
Some Indian style spinage,
and a mutton masala.
We get the choose the spice level of the mutton masala.
The lady recommended lvl 2 to start with.
I felt the spiciness was just nice but baby like it more hot.
It wasn't really filling.
Didn't order more due to the price level.
Went for Rochor Dou Hua to fill up our stomach. haha..

Had a whole day of lesson from morning 8.30am till 6.30pm.
Super tired!
4 hours of break in btw from 11.30am to 3.30pm..
Went Wasabi Tei with YL.
Didn't wanted to go at first but still, simply can't resist the temptation esp with an empty stomach.
This choice made me real broke.
We had a Saba set each plus shared a Mix Sashimi. 8D

Friday, July 17, 2009


Quite sian these few days cuz of couples ard me breaking up.
kind of made me moody as well..
haha.. sigh.

Not much update recently..
Boring tampines everyday.
cafe cartel became quite a frequent hangout at nite.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Marina Barrage

Yesterday went Marina Barrage with baby..
First time there.. Picnic-ed.
Too bad the weather wasn't very good.
Rained out of a sudden.
But at least we finished our food before it rain.
A great experience. (:

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Blob Blob Bored.

Sunday was lunch at Bugis - 鱼片米粉 with baby..
Shopped at Bugis street abit, in hope of finding the bag that Hazel bought.
But can't find any.
Got a belt and a necklace from baby though.
Rested at starbucks, wanted to book Transformers tix through my iTouch but transaction was unsuccessful and my iTouch going low batt!
The Shaw cinema at Bugis was so dumb to onli show Ice Age 3.
Went home with baby to his house to do online booking through his com.
But seats were taken for earlier timings. So we watched 9.20pm show.
Dinner at Fish & Co. b4 that, on the sake that i got my GST credit. HAHA.
But i'm starting to doubt if that was a right choice to make.
I still got to spend for so many things.
haha.. but well, what's not suppose to be in my stomache was already passed out. =x

Met up Joy and Heihei ytd at Downtown to book chalets for our birthdays.
We booked 2 chalets each. Thx Heihei for offering your member card so we could get cheaper rates. Had Gelare before doing the bookings. Yep, had it at half price! Yum~
Dinner was at Nihon Murah. Jap again~
We had our stomach filled to the brim.