Saturday, April 24, 2004
Speech Day
HhHmMm.. FiNaLLy..! Speech Day's over! Whahahahahahaha~ Sec 4s can step down le.. so happy.. no need to have so much worries anymore! Let's celebrate! HeHeX.....Todae's speech dae.. rushed back home immediately after the bell rang.. and met Gen at 2.30pm.. This year's dinner (school provided) at least not as bad as the past 3 Yrs' lehz.. haha.. this yr can finish almost the whole packet.. not like the last 3ys.. eat a little onli den throw away le..=X Ltr.. go change.. make up.. blabla.. Last yr's senior is so damn nice sia.. esp woei lin.. both knees injured still came back to help.. so touched..:'( Really veri nice person.. Let go her CCA in SRJC and come n help us.. HaiZ.. feeling so tired now.. the time now is.. 12.57a.m.. after the speech dae.. cannot change yet.. take fotos take fotos.. den change.. den take fotos again... by the time 8++ liao... go out celebrate Gen's b'dae.. at first sae go Starbucks de.. but in the end went to swensens.. so in the end.. 18 ppl went.. total..$128 lehz... hmm.. we took neo print together.. will put up the foto if i received the time.. is ard 10.35pm liaoz.. den decided to go home... walk walk walk.. pass by small mac.. saw the last yr's seniors.. den sit down tok tok.. till 11+ den go home.. wait for the bus 28 so long sia.. almost half an hr.. diaox..
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Sports day..
Its been a long time since i blog eh? *yawn* so sleepy..woke up at 5.30a.m todae in the morning.. got sports day.. Guess Which hse win this yr? Of cuz is pagasus la! Muahaha! But the yr wuite surprising.. pheonix got 2nd! hehe.. whole dae sit there facing the hot sun..nth to do.. so sian.. after that go buy April's present.. den go CHC.. hao lei orh.. Now veri hungry... aiya.. juz realised that todae onli had one meal onli.. no wonder so hungry la.. alamak..Just now in church met this interesting guy and interesting ger.. Freddie and Veronica..same same name.. hehe..Both just become a christian.. So.. Mondae's Veron's b'dae.. onli can send her a happy b'dae message? We promised to meet at TP next yr.. hehe.. and Freddie is a cute guy.. and a joker.. first time meet him.. first sentence he sae make me laugh liao.. haha.. after chatting with them for quite some time.. can know that they can be veri good friends to be with liao..and xchanged phone no.,e-mail add.. friendster.. blabla.. not bad.. happy to make more interesting and friendly friends todae.. and hope to know them more!=D
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Tml iSh gOoD FrIdAy! No NeEd Go To ScHoOl! sAdZ.. sTuPiD cOmPuTeR.. kEeP hAnGiNg.. WaD i WrOtE fEr My CoUsIn HeR lOnG aNd FuNnY tEsTiMoNiAl sInCe OuR cHiLdHoOd All GoNe.. i XiN xIn Ku Ku ThInK n TyPe OnE lEhZ..=( ToDaY POA pArTnErShIp TeSt..LoNg Qn & 5 MCQs.. LuCkIlY mAnAgEd To FiNiSh Ar.. If NoT dIe.. HoPe cAn GeT fUll MaRkS lOrZ..=X
TuEs WhOlE cLaSs PoNtAnG e-MaThS rEmEdIaL wOrX.. aT fIrSt VeRi GuIlTy dE.. aNd WaNtEd To JoIn E3 fOr ThE rEmEdIaL.. bUt ThInK cUz VeRi TiReD..sO iN tHe EnD aLsO nV gO.. FiRsT tImE bEcOmE sO bAd StUdEnT..dEn AfTeR sChOoL aLL pAcKeD oUr BaG qUiCkLy AnD sIaM oUt Of ThE sChOoL aS fAsT aS pOsSiBlE lIaOx..In CaSe GoT cAuGhT bY mDm TeNg..HaHa.. So BaD rItE? dEn We DeCiDeD tO gO 800+ eAt..LaTeR wAlK hAlF wAY mEt KeNnY,cHeStEr,WeI hAu, Ee TeNg, PiNwEn, AnD wEi KeI.. sO oNe WhOlE gRoUp Go eAt ToGeThEr.. All AnGrY wItH oNe Of OuR fRiEnD cUz He BiG mOuTh Go AnD tEll MrS DaNiAl AnD mDm TeNg.. WhEn We GoT bAcK aT aRd 3.30pm FoR sPeEcH dAe ReHeArSaL, wE fOuNd OuT tHaT fIvE oF tHeM wErE cAuGhT bY mDm TeNg AnD oNlY sIx PpL aTtEnDeD tHe ReMeDiAl.. HeArD fRoM tHe 4e3 tHaT sHe WaS sO aNgRy ThAt sHe CaNnOt sPeAk.. AnD lOoKs LiKe WaNtInG tO cRy.. tHe NeXt DaY oF sCh, We ThOuGhT tHaT tHe WhOlE cLaSs WoUlD bE pUt To dEtEnTiOn CeNtRe FoR oNe WeEk Or So.. BuT sHe DiD nOt...OnCe ShE sTeP iNtO tHe ClAsS, tHeRe WaS sIlEnCe.. ShE sTaReD aT uS aNd StArTeD sCoLdInG..aNd StArTeD tO sAy AlOt Of ThIngS.. LiKe "CaN u TeLL mE wHaT hApPeNeD yEsTeRdAY?" tRuE eNoUgH, lIkE wHaT tHe E3 sAiD, i CaN sEe ThAt ShE fEeL lIkE cRyInG.. aNd ShE pIcKeD oN AmAnDa To TeLL hEr WhY? AnD aMaNdA rEpLiEd..." cUz ThE tHoUgHt JuSt CoMe To Me ThAt ThErE iS nO rEmEdIaL.."(cLaSs StArTeD gIgGlInG) wHeN tEnG hEaRd ThAt, sHe WaS eVeN mOrE aNgRiEr.. " wHaT dO u MeAn By ThE tHoUgHt sUdDeNlY cOmE tO u? tHeN wHy DiDn'T YoU tO gO hOmE nOw?" aNd AmAnDa RePlIeD.." cUx ThE tHoUgHt dIdN't ComE nOw.. (tHe ClAsS sTaRtEd To LaUgH eVeN loUdEr) AnD tEnG bEcOmE mOrE aNgRy AgAiN..aNd sTaRtEd ScOldInG n ScOlDiNg.. AnD fInAllY cOnTiNuE wItH lEsSoN wItH nEw DC lEi.. AcTuAllY sHe'S a gOoD mAtHs ChEr LaRx.. JuSt A bIt BoRiNg OnLy..
MrS KaViThA gAvE bIrTh To A bAbY bOy! cOnGrAtS tO hEr..=) aNd NoW, wE aRe HaViNg A rElIeF cHeM & bIo ChEr, Mr PhUa... (ChU kAnG). eVeRyBoDy FiRsT lOoK aT hIs ApPeArAnCe.. cOnClUsIoN: wAh!sCiEnCe sUrE dIe LeR lAr! aNd TrUe EnOuGh, He PrOvEd It To Us.. SpEaK sO sOfT, MuMbLe To HiMsElF,.. lIkE tImId TiMiD dE.. oBvIoUsLy No OnE iS lIsTeNiNg To HiM.. wOrDs AlSo So SmAll LiKe AnTs.. MaTcH hIs ChArAcTeR lAr.. tEaCh OnE dAe On A nEw ToPiC wHiCh No OnE UnDeRsTaNd DeN wAnNa HaVe TeSt On ThaT tOpIc NeXt WeEk.. sIaOx.. sOmEmOrE hE TaKiNg OvEr bOtH BiO & ChEm LeHz.. ChAm LiAox..NeEd To StUdY hArD bY mYsElF lErX...
HhHmMm.. sPeEcH DaE cOmInG lErX..23rd ApRiL.. ChOiR sInG nOt WeLL.. lAtEr DiU lIaN lEiZ...aNd NeEd To ClAp HaNdS dUrInG FiNaLe.. VeRi StUpId LeHz.. sTaNd In FrOnT tHe FiRsT rOw SoMeMoRe.. VeRi WiErD lEhZ.. dUn LiKe.. SoMeMoRe We sHoUlD bE sTaNdInG 2nD rOw De.. DaNcE iNsTrUcToR aLsO hAcK cArE dE.. =(
TuEs WhOlE cLaSs PoNtAnG e-MaThS rEmEdIaL wOrX.. aT fIrSt VeRi GuIlTy dE.. aNd WaNtEd To JoIn E3 fOr ThE rEmEdIaL.. bUt ThInK cUz VeRi TiReD..sO iN tHe EnD aLsO nV gO.. FiRsT tImE bEcOmE sO bAd StUdEnT..dEn AfTeR sChOoL aLL pAcKeD oUr BaG qUiCkLy AnD sIaM oUt Of ThE sChOoL aS fAsT aS pOsSiBlE lIaOx..In CaSe GoT cAuGhT bY mDm TeNg..HaHa.. So BaD rItE? dEn We DeCiDeD tO gO 800+ eAt..LaTeR wAlK hAlF wAY mEt KeNnY,cHeStEr,WeI hAu, Ee TeNg, PiNwEn, AnD wEi KeI.. sO oNe WhOlE gRoUp Go eAt ToGeThEr.. All AnGrY wItH oNe Of OuR fRiEnD cUz He BiG mOuTh Go AnD tEll MrS DaNiAl AnD mDm TeNg.. WhEn We GoT bAcK aT aRd 3.30pm FoR sPeEcH dAe ReHeArSaL, wE fOuNd OuT tHaT fIvE oF tHeM wErE cAuGhT bY mDm TeNg AnD oNlY sIx PpL aTtEnDeD tHe ReMeDiAl.. HeArD fRoM tHe 4e3 tHaT sHe WaS sO aNgRy ThAt sHe CaNnOt sPeAk.. AnD lOoKs LiKe WaNtInG tO cRy.. tHe NeXt DaY oF sCh, We ThOuGhT tHaT tHe WhOlE cLaSs WoUlD bE pUt To dEtEnTiOn CeNtRe FoR oNe WeEk Or So.. BuT sHe DiD nOt...OnCe ShE sTeP iNtO tHe ClAsS, tHeRe WaS sIlEnCe.. ShE sTaReD aT uS aNd StArTeD sCoLdInG..aNd StArTeD tO sAy AlOt Of ThIngS.. LiKe "CaN u TeLL mE wHaT hApPeNeD yEsTeRdAY?" tRuE eNoUgH, lIkE wHaT tHe E3 sAiD, i CaN sEe ThAt ShE fEeL lIkE cRyInG.. aNd ShE pIcKeD oN AmAnDa To TeLL hEr WhY? AnD aMaNdA rEpLiEd..." cUz ThE tHoUgHt JuSt CoMe To Me ThAt ThErE iS nO rEmEdIaL.."(cLaSs StArTeD gIgGlInG) wHeN tEnG hEaRd ThAt, sHe WaS eVeN mOrE aNgRiEr.. " wHaT dO u MeAn By ThE tHoUgHt sUdDeNlY cOmE tO u? tHeN wHy DiDn'T YoU tO gO hOmE nOw?" aNd AmAnDa RePlIeD.." cUx ThE tHoUgHt dIdN't ComE nOw.. (tHe ClAsS sTaRtEd To LaUgH eVeN loUdEr) AnD tEnG bEcOmE mOrE aNgRy AgAiN..aNd sTaRtEd ScOldInG n ScOlDiNg.. AnD fInAllY cOnTiNuE wItH lEsSoN wItH nEw DC lEi.. AcTuAllY sHe'S a gOoD mAtHs ChEr LaRx.. JuSt A bIt BoRiNg OnLy..
MrS KaViThA gAvE bIrTh To A bAbY bOy! cOnGrAtS tO hEr..=) aNd NoW, wE aRe HaViNg A rElIeF cHeM & bIo ChEr, Mr PhUa... (ChU kAnG). eVeRyBoDy FiRsT lOoK aT hIs ApPeArAnCe.. cOnClUsIoN: wAh!sCiEnCe sUrE dIe LeR lAr! aNd TrUe EnOuGh, He PrOvEd It To Us.. SpEaK sO sOfT, MuMbLe To HiMsElF,.. lIkE tImId TiMiD dE.. oBvIoUsLy No OnE iS lIsTeNiNg To HiM.. wOrDs AlSo So SmAll LiKe AnTs.. MaTcH hIs ChArAcTeR lAr.. tEaCh OnE dAe On A nEw ToPiC wHiCh No OnE UnDeRsTaNd DeN wAnNa HaVe TeSt On ThaT tOpIc NeXt WeEk.. sIaOx.. sOmEmOrE hE TaKiNg OvEr bOtH BiO & ChEm LeHz.. ChAm LiAox..NeEd To StUdY hArD bY mYsElF lErX...
HhHmMm.. sPeEcH DaE cOmInG lErX..23rd ApRiL.. ChOiR sInG nOt WeLL.. lAtEr DiU lIaN lEiZ...aNd NeEd To ClAp HaNdS dUrInG FiNaLe.. VeRi StUpId LeHz.. sTaNd In FrOnT tHe FiRsT rOw SoMeMoRe.. VeRi WiErD lEhZ.. dUn LiKe.. SoMeMoRe We sHoUlD bE sTaNdInG 2nD rOw De.. DaNcE iNsTrUcToR aLsO hAcK cArE dE.. =(
Friday, April 02, 2004
Tired & stress!
It's my favourite Friday again.. As usual.. feel so tired in the morning.. wanna sleep in class.. and the best thingy is that there is no speech day rehearsal and no need to stay back! went home straight away after sch.. and sleep after bathing.. didn't do any h/w today.. went east coast lagoon for dinner with mama papa n mei mei..yay~ can sit my papa's car again lerx.. queue so long for my food.... after dinner 8++ lerx.. wanna go out with April.. at first mama say can de.. but later when i ask papa to drive mi to 800+ den he sae cannot go... so late liao go where.. tml den go.. =(
Haiz.. sad.. sad.. sad.. disappointed with the choir members.......................................................
why can't they just sing? and really dun understand why is there a need to bring up the past? what is over is over.. left means left... and because of this.. Mrs Hanif had to scold the choir.. and obviously she's unhappy that we cannot handle the probelms.. haiz..
and why are they saying that we cheated them again? We were not suppose to say anything.. and we didn't... But i'm quite glad that the alto session does not give much problem ya? Really disappointed with some of the sec 3s seniors.. so rebellious..cannot even set a good example for the juniors.. and even influenced them.. and they r making things difficult for us.. Some ppl even cried and some blamed the committees for not choosing them into the NDP.. but we are fair on choosing.. base on their attitude or their attendance.. but they just dun understand.. it's them at wrong in the first place.. and yet they blamed us.. haiz..
Just feel that we r such a failure.. cannot even gain respect from the choir members.. sadz...
Just found out recently that my some of my juniors are actually... that bad.. as in characters.. to think that they are pure and innocent.. but they are juz .. so call bullies.. so disappointed.. wanted to help them back into friends also very difficult to help.. their problem is juz so complicated.. haiz..
Haiz.. sad.. sad.. sad.. disappointed with the choir members.......................................................
why can't they just sing? and really dun understand why is there a need to bring up the past? what is over is over.. left means left... and because of this.. Mrs Hanif had to scold the choir.. and obviously she's unhappy that we cannot handle the probelms.. haiz..
and why are they saying that we cheated them again? We were not suppose to say anything.. and we didn't... But i'm quite glad that the alto session does not give much problem ya? Really disappointed with some of the sec 3s seniors.. so rebellious..cannot even set a good example for the juniors.. and even influenced them.. and they r making things difficult for us.. Some ppl even cried and some blamed the committees for not choosing them into the NDP.. but we are fair on choosing.. base on their attitude or their attendance.. but they just dun understand.. it's them at wrong in the first place.. and yet they blamed us.. haiz..
Just feel that we r such a failure.. cannot even gain respect from the choir members.. sadz...
Just found out recently that my some of my juniors are actually... that bad.. as in characters.. to think that they are pure and innocent.. but they are juz .. so call bullies.. so disappointed.. wanted to help them back into friends also very difficult to help.. their problem is juz so complicated.. haiz..
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