Yesterday was the announcement on the FYP grouping.. immediately after Mrs Gan had announced it, everyone was discussing who to group with.. i mean it is "across the whole cohort" thingy.. must have mix gender, mix nationality and mix GPA result... so it was rather diff.. somemore didnt know much guys in my course.. and dun realli wanna taKe Cong Xin in in my group.. Very bad ya? but they say FYP must be cruel.. haiz.. so at first it's me, rash, yani, maybe Zi yan.. and one or 2 guy.. but Rash go join Din's grp.. den left me, yani and maybe zi yan.. cant find other peep.. dunno them as well.. i mean the guys.. max onli can have 2 guys btw..
I also didnt know why i was with Wendy and Nushra that grp of gers after lec yst.. so.. they were like.. sort of stress on who to grp with as well.. we sat there for liKe.. 1 and a half hr feeling stressed and discussing on the grping.. So luan.. haha.. i was not stressd in the beginning.. but seeing wendy so stressed up makes me feel the same way too.. but ended up Me and Yani group with Alfi, Kenneth and Doreen.. i only know Doreen.. but it was a relief to secure a group..
Proceeded to Bedok find mummy before work .. ask her help me alter my pants.. sway sway Jennifer come.. den make me wait so long cuz she briefing them on the stock taKe.. den me waiting for lunch tgt with mummy.. Mdm help me sew the pants.. had KFC.. ahh.. fats.. -__-
Went to work after that.. i still went.. cuz before that i called Bird and ask if i could skip work.. cuz realli no mood to work because of the stress.. haiz.. but i still went la.. so many afternoons.. -___- mi and Chai siong 6/10.. can dun go one lor.. -___- and that stupid chai siong.. so ungentlemen! si Kolar Bear.. lol.. still wan me intro ger to him.. who wants him lor.. dun even look like 19 yrs old.. =X =P..
I also didnt know why i was with Wendy and Nushra that grp of gers after lec yst.. so.. they were like.. sort of stress on who to grp with as well.. we sat there for liKe.. 1 and a half hr feeling stressed and discussing on the grping.. So luan.. haha.. i was not stressd in the beginning.. but seeing wendy so stressed up makes me feel the same way too.. but ended up Me and Yani group with Alfi, Kenneth and Doreen.. i only know Doreen.. but it was a relief to secure a group..
Proceeded to Bedok find mummy before work .. ask her help me alter my pants.. sway sway Jennifer come.. den make me wait so long cuz she briefing them on the stock taKe.. den me waiting for lunch tgt with mummy.. Mdm help me sew the pants.. had KFC.. ahh.. fats.. -__-
Went to work after that.. i still went.. cuz before that i called Bird and ask if i could skip work.. cuz realli no mood to work because of the stress.. haiz.. but i still went la.. so many afternoons.. -___- mi and Chai siong 6/10.. can dun go one lor.. -___- and that stupid chai siong.. so ungentlemen! si Kolar Bear.. lol.. still wan me intro ger to him.. who wants him lor.. dun even look like 19 yrs old.. =X =P..