Haiz.. miss him a lot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot lotlotlotlotlollotlotlotlotlotlotaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzz worz......... but can do anything..=(
Have been talking to Freddie these few daes.. he hao cute worx.. always sae himself shuai.. like wang ren fu.. haha.. a lot ppl sae so also la.. but i think he look like niu nai.. his voice.. and his hair.. always message mi in middle of the nite ard 3+ or 4+ like tt de.. and onli wake up at 3.. of cuz he can.. no need study ma.. so gd.. aiya.. but y he go ngee ann poly.. so far.. muz choose same sch as Veron ma.. so we can be in the same sch nxt time.. haha..he got a group call fate orh.. want to be the nxt 5566..and he's the leader of this grp call fate..and heard tt he's appointed the leader because he is a veri well organised person orh.. and ask mi to help him promote this grp somemore.. well..Fate consist of 4 person.. 3 boys and a ger.. er.. According to JUn Chang gege, Freddie is the most shuai of the 3 la.. hHhMmM.. can see that Fate members are really close buddys..? they even spent their night at coffee shop.. chatting...noe more bout Freddie tan la.. veri serious with his relationship.. loves his gf alot worx.. but................ haiz.. also dun dare to sae.. sad for him lax.. looking forward to know the other members! hehe.. more chance to noe veron more..esp if we get into the same course in TP nxt yr eh?;) haha.. ask mi call him now.. nv pick up.. think drunk till slp le ba.. nvm.. dun wake him up.. call tml........*Hey.. jun cheng ge ge/ ren fu ge/shuai ge(hair standz..=X)....wadever.. haha.. know u miss mi.. but sry.. after my mid yr den meet u k? but i dun wan go redhill ar..u come tampines...hee..=p*
*yawn*.. study chinese since yst.. the meaning n how to write all tt.... until now onli at letter F.. still got more to go.. -.-" wAnT tO wIsH everybody in our class will pass all our subjects well!=D STUDY HARD STUDY HARD!=D
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