Wednesday, August 20, 2008



tt toopid leonard just said bye and cup my phone. wth! !$*@)@$!% shldnt have helped him. humpfs. angui angui!

always felt not right on Wed cuz no sch and nv go out. Bu zhi zai. did OB mindmap. cant find the BB prdt info online. wierd.

Was chatting with puppy. happy for him tt he finally found 'the one' in his life. hehe. yuan lai my puppy is so sweet and romantic de guy.. ee. haha. even the so rou ma nick i thot for him he also put. Zhen shi shou bu liao! heee. and gd news! He quit smoking le! so happy for him. Hope next time see him he will be more liven up instead of the gloomy gloomy chin hong. ok pup? smile*

Just now watch tt police show. made me cry sia. Boohoo! ='( the Zhang Sir just made that glass vase with his own hand for mdm, wanting to woo her back (cuz they divorced due to some misunderstanding) but haven give it to her den go for field training le. That stupid stubborn Bo Qiao dun listen to his command (he hated Zhang sir due to misunderstanding also), went to chase that baddie, amost fell down the hill. But luckily Zhang sir came to recue. But after pulling Bo Qiao up the hill, he himself slide off the cliff! den the show ended. Sure die de la... ! ='( Si bo qiao.

Looking forward for Sat. =]

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