Saturday, June 28, 2008


Ok, nt to talk abt the Quarrels. im realli tired when come to think of it.. meaningless. dunno wad now but just no strength to care for the time being. im mentally tired.

Went clubbing with Joyce, Hazel, Jorine and Xuemei @ MOS on Thurs nite. FUN! Before that we just went Vivo, thinking of watching a movie before going club but the tix were sold out. so we just slacked ard. Ate New Zealand Ice-cream. There's this promotion - 3 ice-cream for 30% off.. just nice me, Hazel and joyce were there. and we had 3 scoops of ice-cream but were charged the regular price as we proceeded to the payment. so we read the promotion board again and realise that the ice-cream must be 2 scoops or 2 flavoured in order to enjoy the disc. So after calculating the price for that promotion, we realise that it's even cheaper than us having one scoop of ice-cream each! $1 cheaper. but still, we felt that as a service staff, she shld at least inform us abt the promotion and ask if we want to add one more scoop so that it benefits us as a customer. Nevertheless, she did not. so me n joyce went up to her after she served all her customers to ask for 3 moe scoops of ice-cream an explained to her why do we deserve that. but she still did nt accept our point of view. and said :" U mean i must tell EVERY of my customers about this promotion?" and we said: "of cuz" i mean ya, this is wad u must do as a staff since u are in a service line wad. but she still cant decide whether she can give us that 3 scoops. so she called her manager. I was like thinking. com'on, it's just 3 scoops of ice-cream and no one will find out if 3 scoops of ice-cream are missing rite. -_- it took her a while to talk to her manager and afterall, she still have to give us and trying to say that it's not her fault somemore. So wads with the "customers are always right" sentence? lol . She's a phlippino and she attituded us abit. her name is Aileen and i dun think we gonna complain her on the account that she gave us the 3 scoops. Lol. rite joyce? lol.

MOS after that. We went in only at 11pm. the 4 free tix that joyce had cant be used due to technical problem as they said. but i was wondering wad kind of technical prob cld there be? we still decided to pay the 20 bucks for it cuz all have nt been to MOS. Ops. =X with 2 complimentary drinks, we manage to spent our nite there. By rite not enuff but we went home early at 2.30am cuz some need to work the next morning and so on. but not enuff for me! i guess the rest as well but no choice. didnt really need to spent a lot like wad i thought as we didnt open bottle and taxi fare was well. still affordable. haha.


Today's the last 2nd day of work in PUMA for me. of cuz took pics with my colleagues.. but too bd today siti MC. cld not get them to do when i originally planned for cuz was too busy. and no time to think. Pics with Peggan n Ivan today. Khai dun wan take sia. nvm maybe today he nv do hair dun wan take pic. tml he still working can take. tml take with khai, cs, hafiz. yea. Mon maybe dinner with john, not sure yet. see hw. and maybe movie with joyce they all. also not sure. i no $!and bowling at nite with PUMA ppl after their work is cfm. and i miss didi, korkor and mummy. july 5th evening with Hj,lj,qt,april..cfm. Chalet with sisters on 8,9,10 july, cfm. joyce just told me today. argh. sch started. btw, qt is so sweet to pass me the things i asked her to buy in TW although she had a hard time yst nite w/o slp. i noe it wun feel gd at all. Thanks and realli take care and stay strong no matter wad ger! love u lots! Hugs*


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