Monday, August 09, 2004

HaPpY bIrThDaE sInGaPoRe!

yoz.. todae is Singapore's birthday..hapy birthdae, Singapore! hmmm.. woke up at 10:30 todae.. quite late hor.. hee.. den watch tv.. do homework and study.. got maths tys homework.. but cannot do.. cuz forgot to bring home the book..=X hee.. watched the NDP on TV.. dunno y.. feel a bit excited.. cuz my sch choir performing.. hee.. onli managed to see shawn, victor and rebecca.. haiz.. dunno y.. todae got headache again.. and Todae got Singapore Idol worx.. watched abit.. den switched to channel i.. saw this show veri funny.. haha.. forgot wad's the show;s name liao.. quite bored todae.. tml can study whole dae again lorz.. dunno why todae nothing i also feel like blogging.. haha.. maybe juz feel like using the com ba... The daes of not having my com is too diff for me! haha.. have to use bro's laptop.. sianz.. nvm.. this sat can go buy ler..

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