Saturday, October 29, 2005

bad gd bad gd

Hi.. sry ppl.. not updating nowadaes.. haiz.. yst.. stupid cust call and scold scold scold.. as if is my fault eh? dun even noe who is she.. Lazy to explain in details.. not like joyce.. blog out every single thing which happened.. lolx.. not so long breadth like her.. lolx.. tt cust damn stupid lyk the company laaaaa.... LOL.. she wan to see my boss??? see la.. aniway.. it's not our fault after all wad.. Bedok haben call her y she ownself so kan chiong wan to collect her pants and blame on us when it's not ready? after all, it's stated that "wait for call" ma.. who ask her wan to call when i doing cashier and when the shop is busy.. ok.. tts not her fault.. but she should understand when we tell her we are busy and call back later wad.. she didn't want to and insist that we are irresponsible and wan to see the boss.. argh.. scold me like wad sia.. and imagine i still got to entertain her nicely n fakely..=.= in the end she ownself got something on and she hung up the phone.. maybe she called today.. dunno how they handle it.. unreasonable cust..=.=

Yst haney so nice.. baked kuay for us.. Hari Raya ma.. they kuay with honey one.. Haney bake honey.. haha.. very nice.. ahh.. scared i will finish everything.. so ate a few faster cover the lid and keep it back to the fridge le.. hahaha..

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Cornflakes with honey

Aniway, why i said the company got no brain? Find out more in Joyce's blog... Haha.. not only that.. they give customer 15% off cupons on regular items when there is already 20% off storewide.. =.= lame rite?

went to Bugis this morning.. first time visited the Bugis Village since it renovated.. pathetic? Aiya.. no time ma.. wanted to buy lots of things lei.. but no $$$.. nv buy anithing in the end Huh.. lolx.. after come hm.. nt feeling veri well.. like.. no energy no energy lyk tt.. wanna die tt kind of feeling.. hahaha.. aiya.. but still manage to make it for cg of cuz.. as normal.. everytime go for cg will feel better one .. haha..

after that.. reach hm.. bath.. come online.. had a gd time chatting wif my friends.. argh.. my Vietnam friend, Minh is so funny la.. he taught me tis.. "ABCDEFG=A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl /GFEDCBA=Girl Forgets Everything Done and Catch Boy Again"
Haha.. aiya.. he's always joking ard and crapping in msn.. n in real life too! lolx... he said Binh = Bad, Intelligent, not handsome! haha.. so bad ar he..

discussed with VT01 about fri also.. so finally decided on BBQ at east coast.. argh.. now then i noe they think tt i like... this person.. which is.. erm... Noooooooo......... i dun lyk him.. =.=
i mean we are juz playful maybe.. but ttz totally impossible.. muahhaha..

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Happy birthdae Linda!

First of all, wanna wish Linda a happy Birthday! Wish her stay as cute as ever and always got boyboy chase! lolx

Okay.. Todae.. hmm.. worked morning shift.. *yawn*
A while very crowded a while veri busy.. hmm.. sian..
Den buddy 4.30pm ask mi go home liao.. wah.. so gd man..
but she ask mi to wait for her break time we go play pool.. lolx.. but in the end we never play la... cuz per hr de ma.. not enuff time.. so we played arcade..
argh.. guess wad?
When we walked to the section where can only be entered if u r 16 and above.. the person stop me and sae.. " excuse me, only people above 16 can enter."
den i..=.=" " i 16 already..=.= "
the person.. " show me ur card"
me takes out my ez-link show him... diao..
ok.. nvm.. wad is worse.. is he ask .. " what about that girl? *Queenie* "
So ridiculous.. I straight away tell him.. " She 23 already!!!" *laughing*
lolx.. stupid lah that uncle...

After that reach home already 7pm le..
eat.. bath.. and everthing..
den.. come online.. Crack my mind and produce a stupid mindmap.. cuz i dun wan to use hand write.. no mood no creativity..

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005



waited so long and he juz said gtg bye

argh......... sihefuhheheds siosisisisishfnre

tml morning shift! ... =.=


Angel.... !

where u man...

i noe u are heart broken....

so m i....





Dunno .. wad..

Everything seems to be unright after work........=.=

Everyone is crazy.....=.=

dunno wad happen to him..=.=

dunno wad happen to ma mother...=.=

dunno wad happen to ma sister...=.=

Everyone is ... crazy!

Anyway, Todae know 2 new staffs.. It's been a long time since i last work..
The 2 new staffs are Pei Ying and Tiffany..
Tiffany is moi Pri Sch friend..!
She keep saying i look very familiar..
After chatting for a while den we found out we from same pri sch..
but i have no impression of her... =X
Work is.. Siannnn todae... O ya! Shit.. Oops.. i forgot that i have to do my mindmap by today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE LE LA.... SO LATE LE>>> BUT I WAN TO ZzZzZz... HOW?
GO DO NOW LA! *slaps*

Sunday, October 23, 2005


argh..... juz feel lyk crying.. HURTZ!

Monday, October 17, 2005

I'm Back!

Wow.. dun bare to come back to Singapore man.. lolx.. =X It's really fun there.. hmm.. the greatest collection is the friends i've made there.. they are realli nice and fun to be with.. hmmm.. What we did?

The first day..
HhHmmm .. it's my 2nd time taking an aeroplane lehx.. lolx.. the first time is when i was a baby.. so cannot feel anithing ma.. ok.. so.. it took round 2 hours to reach Vietnam airport.. the airport ppl there dress liKe last time china mata liKe that.. green uni.. haha.. hmm.. den we took bus to our hotel.. Metropole Hotel.. its a long trip.. Wah.. the traffic there.. hmm.. veri messy.. no fix route.. mostly motors and bycicles.. after we reach the hotel, we got our room number and key.. so me and april same room.. den our room is on the 5th floor while most of our classmates are on the 4th floor.. so we faster think who is nice enough to exchange room with us and live on the 4th floor.. den *dingding* Johnny.. ! den we faster run up the stairs to his room.. * scared he unpack his lugguage le..* den he realli unpack a little liao... den he also not willing to exchange.. den after much pleading, finally he agreed to exchange with us.. lolx.. ok... so we quickly settle down and have to meet at the lobby again for dinner cruise.. the food was okay la.. I realise that they always serve vegetables the 2nd last dish.. dunno why.. and always served on long tables.. there's also always this sauce whenever we go out to have meal.. dunno wad is it call.. but quite nice lor..

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Taken on cruise...

So after that we cam back to the hotel.. bathed and we went Johnny's room to practice our item for the next day when we go to Vietnam university(VNU) .. we perform malay tikebarak( dunno how to spell.. lolx) style.. but not exactly.. funny sia.. lolx.. so the songs are Rasa sayang hey and Geylang si pat ku geylang.. hmm.. after that we have the TP sch song.. ya.. after that we had wine.. some of them bought.. after a while we went back to the room while some stayed.. after some time.. i went back to Johnny's room and they were playing games.. using card.. something like truth or dare.. so i played along.. no one was drunk.. but some.. a bit sot liao.. watery red eyes tt kind..'s quite boring la.. for me.. cuz i join in later ma.. den the forfeit so sian..=X i kenna .. i think.. 5 times.. one was me n carrisa have to kiss each other's lips..another one mi n melisa smell each other's armpit.. den.. one is.. pole dance aroung Flannery.. of cuz dunno how to dance.. so anihow touch touch suan le.. lol.. den another one 4 person kenna.. so.. we have to bite one slipper using the mouth and pass to another person.. and the slipper is hui shan's.. haha.. den wa lao.. another one.. i kenna.. actually intended not to play liao de.. but nvm.. i play one more round den dun play..quite quite bring liKe that.. den so sway kenna me.. the forfeit was to go to the toilet take off short and wrap with towel den come out.. so.. ok lor.. den i come out le.. stupid Jeff.. go and pull! luckily i grab whole of it la! feel like killing him.. lolx.. den after this round i never play le ma.. so Jeff, april, yi da and me we back to our room.. once we go out of johnny's room, of cuz wanna kill jeff la.. den He anihow run.. so i chased.. run till the hotel's wu lu wu lu exit and he ran down that stupid narrow n scary stairs.. so i stopped.. aniway, his rm opp mine.. i can revenge anitime.. lol.. by the time is ard.. midnight.. 3 or 4am there.. so we slept.. 6am morning call.. sian..

I can't realli remember wher we go and wad we did on which day.. lolx.. ok.. so i'll juz roughly sae.. i think 2nd dae..the first thing in the morning is of cuz, breakfast.. every morning's breakfast is at the restaurant in the hotel.. its a buffet kind.. so almost had the same thing everydae for breakfast.. after that we went to VNU lor.. nv realli have the chance to mix ard with the students there.. cuz not enuff vietnamese student.. ya.. so we performed our items for each lass.. and ya.. played games and all that.. they have fruits and some cakes and water on the table for us.. and there's this freen colour fruit.. wonder wad issit.. so Jeff tried.. and it's orange..
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So before we go back.. april tried to make some friends.. and so that they can take us around when we have our free time.. so we meet tis girl call Hanh 6.30pm the next day at our hotel..
after that we went for lunch.. after that.. hmm.. can't realli rmb la.. haha.. i think Museum or something.. boring.. =X hmm.. forgot wad we did la.. haha.. denafter that back at the hotel at nite we got to teacher's room and had tutorial.. after that went back to our room lor.. den mi and april were at Jeff and yida's rm.. hmm.. we everytime go there one la.. cuz.. april & yida.. Jeff called rm service .. Beef burger meal.. and he tempted us.. so we also ordered.. see how big the beef burger is..
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how cum this colour??

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333 beer...the beer there is super cheap.. $1 onli..

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Jeff acting drunk.. the Jenga was suppose to be for the orphanage.. but we were playing it.. haha

play till quite late also.. every nite stayed till ard 3 or 4am den slp.. den yida's going to slp with april tt nite.. not anithing la.. dun think yy.. haha.. den of cuz i dun wan to slp with them lo.. so we switched.. *yawn*
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How evil can he be??? He took it using my hp while i'm slping.. i guess there's more in his camera..

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So can i... Muahaha..

den hmm.. we went to lots of places.. hmm.. war crime museum.. tis is where Jeff is the centre of attraction? he realli crazy la.. spent US$115 on machine gun.. not onli that i think before that he spent US$20.. at first he told us he gonna spend US$200 on it we still dun believe.. haha.. stil sae.. nvm wad.. once in a life time.. wa lao.. rich sia.. den we went to the Cu Chi Tunnel.. where the Vietnamese dug during the war.. 30m deep down.. i think got 3 levels.. mi the first level den get out liao.. the whole is so small and dark and can't see anithing.. so it's either u crawl or bend down and walk.. depends on one's size.. so the route u have to feel the walls yourself.. wonder if there's worms inside.. haha.. hmm.. April's infront of mi and yidae behing mi.. so once u got in u cannot turn back le.. it's onli one way.. and so many ppl ma.. and April's scaring mi.. cuz it's veri stuffy in there.. and she almost got hyperventilation.. but luckily.. we were near the first exit.. so we quickly got out lor.. den april got cramps la.. so Mr Tan and Melisa was helping her.. there's another way or route to go deeper down,.. can choose to go in or not.. den i nv go.. so help them carry the bags.. but the tunnel is realli intersting..
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they said the hole is already enlarged for the american tourist to go in.. but it's still so small.. i wonder if they get stucked! =X

We also went to the orphanage.. hmm.. took pic with his small little boy.. i think most of the people wants to take photo with him.. the smallest and cute boy.. pic is with april.. so cannot put it up yet.. hmm.. the kids are so cute.. once they see someone distributing sweets or choc or biscuits.. all will come and ask for it.. haha.. we also went to this tile factory ar.. biz forum.. hmm.. soemthign like singaporean entrpreneurs .. dunno la.. haha.. den we went to another museum and .. cao dai temple..

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Printing the design onto the tiles..

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Colouring for the tiles..

we made tis 2 veri nice VNU friends.. cuz the Hanh never turn up .. and the 2 friends' friend also nv turn up.. so we go out together.. they take us to eat the most famous food.. Pho.. it's pronounced as "Fur".. they teach us how to eat and all that.. realli veri nice.. something like beef noodle..
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I had traditional Pho and mango juice... hmmm~

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Minh and Binh .. We call Minh Harry Potter and Binh Malford! haha

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I've made it straight.. but it still comes out like this.. =.= .. Taken at Pho 24hr

They took us to the night market and help us to bargain as well.. they said they are impressed by our bargaining skills.. i think especially April's.. lolx.. There's lots of Fake branded stuffs.. April and me always wanted to buy the big soft toy.. cuz we've seen it several times on the bus and on Cyclo.. so we asked Minh and Binh to bring us.. den.. we saw this stall selling Big bears.. and we bought on each.. bargained from $35 to $20.. but when we saw other stalls selling the same thing, their starting price is $20!!!.. but the lowest is $17.. aiya.. nvm la.. April bought 2 big soft toys lor.. haha.. one is a dog, same as mine.. and another one is a big pig's head.. which cost onli $5.50.. bargained from $9 to $5.50.. haha
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this is mine.. nice ma??

Actually dun realli know how to buy things.. nth to buy.. except clothes.. but i still spent 200 over dollars.. O ya.. we went for the Cyclo ride.. it's something like a trishaw.. but the cyclist is behind..
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April on cyclo..

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Yida on cyclo..

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Jeff on cyclo..

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Cycling real hard...Argh!!!

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You see the traffic?

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3 people on a bike.. 4 also have ar..

Yar.. i actually got the chance to sit on Minh's bike back to the hotel when we met for the 2nd time.. so cool! .. we bought lots of things at the Ben Tahn Market and night market.. den i wanted to try on Minh's bike.. as in him riding mi.. so i didn't take the taxi with them.. my first time on a bike and a messy traffic.. I remembered Yida saying tt his life will be shorten 10 years after the Cyclo ride.. lolx.. cuz of the pollution.. haha.. i regret.. forgot to take a photo with Minh on his bike.. haha.. He said Binh sure kill him if he knows Minh rode mi.. lolx.. and he keep saying we like couple.. lolx.. very funny and cute sia him.. like harry potter! lolx..

Got one time during free and easy.. Jeff, April, Yida and me went to the restaurant nearby the hotel.. Vietnamese restaurant.. den we ordered a set menu.. the rice always comes last.. wonder y.. took photos.. funny ones.. but dun have it with mi now.. the meal cost..... i forgot le.. hahaha.. got one dae we went to Zen Plaza .. is a shopping centre.. we took a taxi there.. it's 9.45pm le.. and we realise that we left 15mins to shop.. cuz its closing at 10pm!!!.. alamak.. nv think of that.. den nth one also.. den we decided to walk back to the hotel and shop at those shops which are still open on the streets la.. Jeff and Yida knows the way..s o we juz follow la.. den in the end.. we like .. the further we walk the more wierd.. so in the end decided to ask one vietnames girl.. and she pointed in front.. den we walk a few more steps den saw the hotel liaox.. LOlx..

Actually we wanted to go for massage one.. but is US$10.. so .. i anithing ar.. but Yida dun wanna go.. so April dun wan go also.. den like that i also dun wan to go liao.. so Jeff went.. Tired.. but dun dare to slp fully la.. cuz later jeff come back no one open the door fer him .. lolx.. so i juz on the TV .. but i still slept.. but luckily i heard him knock thew door.. after i wake up den not slpy liaox.. argh.. he called room service again.. this time.. seafood fried rice.. very nice.. but small amount.. expensive lei.. i never eat la.. ate too much things before that le.. so i juz go back to my dreams..

We had Free and easy again on Sat.. so asked Minh and Bihn out.. but Binh got to go at 5pm.. den 6.30pm me and April went to the salon near the hotel to rebond our hair.. we bargain from Ard $40 or $45 till $30 each.. effect quite good.. and actually wanted to get hair cut.. the fringe a bit la.. but they sae need money.. den i dun wan liao.. after chatting with the hairdresser a bit.. den we like friend liao.. den she sae.. ok la.. give u free hair cut.. lol... den ok lor.. hahah.. They veri nice to us.. still ask for email add.. all tt..

through tis trip ar.. gain bargaining experience.. lolx.. some shop owneres realli rude lor.. from their facial expression.. but some realli nice.. some.. grab hold of u and dun let u go.. a number of times i juz stick to my price.. if they dun give i juz walk away and they juz pull me back and sae they sell mi at tt price.. haha.. and saw how god April was at bargaining.. lolx.. =X

Juz yst before departing from the hotel to the airport, Jeff, april and me went to the same restaurant again for lunch.. cuz onli left 1 hr.. so we have to go somewhere near.. we ordered lots of things.. hmm.. scallop.. clams.. egg with beansprout and some other things inside.. beef.. kang kong.. steam rice and drinks.. den.. a grilled crab for Jeff.. but when the food comes we were like .. left 5 to 10 mins to eat.. nvm.. Jeff ate most of the things.. and hes a big eater.. so let him eat.. haha.. and the crab no time to eat.. he took away to be eaten on plane!!! lolx.. walao.. den once he sat down onli ar.. start to open the box liao.. the smell so heavy.. but not bad ah.. sit beside him still get to eat.. the egg of the crab.. cuz he dun eat.. So so so nice! *drools*

when we get back to Sg onli take less than an hr i think.. veri fast onli den i heard the plane is landing liao.. hahaha.. i miss the vietnamese friends laaaa...

More pics....

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They said we look alike.. keke..

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Ghost behind me.. :S

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You think i smoke?

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Trying on sun glasses.. Damn cheap!

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Wah.. so big prawn... $3 each!!!

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Rebonded hair..

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Haiz.. Super unhappi!

Haiz.. always got things to stress about.. still got so much thing to do.. ! dunno why suddenly feel so down after service ya? maybe because.. i Hu Si Luan Xiang... actually wad i told 'boi de reason isn't realli the reason la.. is becuz.. .. ...... aiya.. dunno how to sae.. argh.. Jiu Shi Xing Qing Bu Hao Ma!!!

Veri hungry now la... still got to stay up so late to pack luggage.. think i wan one meh... no time ok!!! Veri Tired.. ! but i blog cuz i wan to type it out.. at least liKe told it to someone and feel better?? tt stupid.. ermmm.. hai.. nvm nvm.. first person to spoil my dae..

we went skool in the morning to rehearse the item for the trip.. so it was 2 songs.. the rasasayang hey and geylang si pat ku gey lang tt one.. hai.. was ok la.. den after tt we went coffee shop eat..

after that meet john n fiona.. go boon lay meet xm.. AIYA.. blog half way feel im so draggy.. and dun feel like explaining everything liao... how cum holidae my schedule super pack one??? HAIX... now grace sae tml wan meet early for BS... * Ku xiao*... wanna cry liao la......................... sobsobsob.. actually tml can work morning one.. college change shift wif mi.. hai.. half to work more hrs somemore.. sian sian sian sian........... sobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsob

Friday, October 07, 2005

Happy.. + Happy birthday Twins, Sylvia and Estee! =D

Happy birthdae to the gers.. hehe.. todae quite happy lar.. hehe.. hmm.. tired.. hmm

and.. dunno.. abt tml.. haiz.. everything is in a mess.. hope it is not gonna be an unhappy bdae for xm.. haiz.. Wu Huissss..

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

something wrong wif my blog

Hey.. there's something wrong wif my blog.. even now as im blogging.. the layout got prob.. like got virus liKe that.. haha.. but still can type .. haizx.. should be studying now actually.. but cannot lei... cannot go in my brain.. also dunno why.. so i decided to come online to blog.. cuz long time nv blog also ma.. hey ppl.. i think my tag board got prob lorx.. cannot tag de.. humph.. got time den change my whole blogskin again.. anyway, wanna tok abt yesterdae..

Yesterdae my shop ppl all pao qi mi go lao pa sa makan leix.. sobz.. haha.. no la.. cuz last month my shop was one of the best productivity shop ma.. so company treat them go eat.. so Lao Pa Sa somemore.. so kiam siap sia.. Lolx.. last time i went b4 .. nobody and nth to eat one lor..! also dunno how come when they show on TV so rowdy and got lots pf ppl... i went at nite also de ma.. hmmm... ok.. so yst worked 6/10.. before i go to work.. i was wondering who are the relieves.. den i was thinking.. if my darling come relieve den good le.. cuz long time no see also ma.. haha.. den when i reach le.. I realli saw my darling leh!!! hahahaha.. so qiao lorx.. She's Samantha la.. last time i work at bedok she work at Hang ten one.. den now bossini liao.. den another relieve is Naq.. and relieve in-charge is Yendi.. heng all i noe de.. hahaha.. and still got one malay guy.. forgot the name le.. i dunno de.. but he veri handsome sia.. lolx... got the cute cute shy shy face.. look abit like Joyce bro also.. lolx.. den verry funny.. i was half an hr early for work ma.. so i stayed in the storeroom lor.. and buddy was altering pants ma.. so we chat la.. i feel that we super bian tai also lor.. lolx.. mentioned abt raping her 5 year old brother again.. lolx.. i miss her bro sia.. so so so cute! I still sae nvm ma.. rape le also nth happen.. den she sae her bro veri strong one.. will stand de! lolx.. lmao.. always sae me horny one.. lolx... i think my shop ppl all horny horny one.. lolx.. den after that buddy was telling mi the malay guy quite handsome one.. den i sae izzit.. later see lor.. den juz den he come in store for break.. cuz actuallly he at Isaetan kids de ma.. den i saw him liao.. realli handsome lei.. den i tell queenie.. "eh.. man shuai de leh.." den queenie intro both of us la.. den she sae " This is hui min ar.. she say u very handsome lei.. she wan to tackle you.." .. den ar.. immediately he tripped at the chair there.. den nearly fall.. Lmao.. den he sae.. " this is the biggest storeroom i've ever been to" lolx.. I think one fine day we will become crabs le.. After that punch out le.. Yendi ask mi to pack stock! Argh.. i hate packing stock one lor.. and i pack veri ugly de.. not neat de... i noe how to pack la.. but muz shift the stocks to make space leh.. den somemore is high up de.. so scary.. den i tell queenie i dunno how to pack.. lolx.. =X.. den she explain to mi.. den i tell her i still dunno how.. LOL.. den i tell yendi..den she ask Samantha to pack.. Lolx... after Samantha pack le i go in and see.. Argh.. i saw all the stock packed incorrectly.. den i ask her.. how come u pack stock like that one? Den she tell mi she dunno how to pack.... den i Diao! hahahaha.. den she said before she pack queenie already make space for her liao.. argh.. den like that might as well i pack.. lolx.. cuz she nv pack like.. one head one tail de.. but nvm la.. she pack everything liao.. see todae they got repack or leave it there.. the storeroom realli small lor.. not enuff space to put all stocks.. den still got to leave so mani cartons outside..
After that finish work le.. all got bf or gf come and fetch.. argh.. sian.. ! left mi and Yendi.. but she's married de ma.. hai.. SIAN! lolx.. nvm.......... while waiting for bus.. got a uncle half blind like tt.. ask mi to help him take note of bus 966 and 15.. den while waiting we chat lor.. wah.. he not bad eh.. so old liao still take up Dip course.. some more is AIA insurance consultant.. nt bad.. den when i ask wads his religion.. he said hes a buddhist.. den he told mi his daughter christian.. den he was veri angry.. cuz before she eat she thank God and everything.. and the uncle said is he provide the food for her for so mani years and now she take other ppl.. before i could sae anithing .. his bus come liao.. so.. he juz went off la.. ha..

so todae.. woke up 10 plus.. study... but.. keep feeling like wan to slp lei.. although i nv see doc nv eat medicine.. i still feel so drowsy and heavy like that.. as if i drank medicine.. dunno why ar.. den cannot study .. sian la.. if fail again die le.. haix.. Joyjoy they all go buy present toae.. cannot go.. and i feel tt i veri dui bu qi my classmates lor... !!! .. They always ask mi go out wif themm den i always cannot de.. haix.. SORRY LEI B22! They are realli great friends lor.. Tong yan told mi she will nv give up on asking mi to go whenever they got events when i told her not to so trouble smsing and ask mi if i can gocuz i always cannot make it.. not work den is church.. not church den is study.. so.. veri paiseh keep rejecting them.. and sasha also... Aww! So great friend! Love u guys lotx.. hope able to be in same class nxt sem man.. and MacG everyday! hahahhaha... think gtg eat dinner nw.. den go study liao..