Saturday, October 29, 2005

bad gd bad gd

Hi.. sry ppl.. not updating nowadaes.. haiz.. yst.. stupid cust call and scold scold scold.. as if is my fault eh? dun even noe who is she.. Lazy to explain in details.. not like joyce.. blog out every single thing which happened.. lolx.. not so long breadth like her.. lolx.. tt cust damn stupid lyk the company laaaaa.... LOL.. she wan to see my boss??? see la.. aniway.. it's not our fault after all wad.. Bedok haben call her y she ownself so kan chiong wan to collect her pants and blame on us when it's not ready? after all, it's stated that "wait for call" ma.. who ask her wan to call when i doing cashier and when the shop is busy.. ok.. tts not her fault.. but she should understand when we tell her we are busy and call back later wad.. she didn't want to and insist that we are irresponsible and wan to see the boss.. argh.. scold me like wad sia.. and imagine i still got to entertain her nicely n fakely..=.= in the end she ownself got something on and she hung up the phone.. maybe she called today.. dunno how they handle it.. unreasonable cust..=.=

Yst haney so nice.. baked kuay for us.. Hari Raya ma.. they kuay with honey one.. Haney bake honey.. haha.. very nice.. ahh.. scared i will finish everything.. so ate a few faster cover the lid and keep it back to the fridge le.. hahaha..

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Cornflakes with honey

Aniway, why i said the company got no brain? Find out more in Joyce's blog... Haha.. not only that.. they give customer 15% off cupons on regular items when there is already 20% off storewide.. =.= lame rite?

went to Bugis this morning.. first time visited the Bugis Village since it renovated.. pathetic? Aiya.. no time ma.. wanted to buy lots of things lei.. but no $$$.. nv buy anithing in the end Huh.. lolx.. after come hm.. nt feeling veri well.. like.. no energy no energy lyk tt.. wanna die tt kind of feeling.. hahaha.. aiya.. but still manage to make it for cg of cuz.. as normal.. everytime go for cg will feel better one .. haha..

after that.. reach hm.. bath.. come online.. had a gd time chatting wif my friends.. argh.. my Vietnam friend, Minh is so funny la.. he taught me tis.. "ABCDEFG=A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl /GFEDCBA=Girl Forgets Everything Done and Catch Boy Again"
Haha.. aiya.. he's always joking ard and crapping in msn.. n in real life too! lolx... he said Binh = Bad, Intelligent, not handsome! haha.. so bad ar he..

discussed with VT01 about fri also.. so finally decided on BBQ at east coast.. argh.. now then i noe they think tt i like... this person.. which is.. erm... Noooooooo......... i dun lyk him.. =.=
i mean we are juz playful maybe.. but ttz totally impossible.. muahhaha..

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