Sunday, August 31, 2008


Was too numbed n tired to say anything.
and nth's gonna change.

i didnt know y i fucking feel like crying after that incident but of cuz i prevent them from falling.
i was like.. y shld i cry man. for fuck? Perhaps just tt sentence he said tt i mind alot. But manage to stay calm and didnt tok back, which causes me to be like realli on fire when i reached home. worse is Bro say wan go 100+ round market eat. mum ask me go. i sae i wanna stay at home ask her da bao for me bt she insist i go tgt. -_- bo bian. i was freaking wanna tear can. U cant imagine how violent is he. Worse is he literally pulled and detached the hp strap tt Jo gave us with our queens name on it. and the other cushion strap. But luckily i managed to glue it back. and i fucking superglued my finger a lil as well.

i couldnt even smile for the rest of the day until i saw Liu Jing's msg. it made me laugh a lil somehow. although its not meant to be. but thx for tt msg. =]


Hi... Yesterday was nothing much but a great nite. Great? Or maybe half great. Didnt go to Jw hse cuz everything was dragging too much in the morning. 1 bathroom, 6 ppl. So dunno why i gotta let them use first also. perhaps my event was the least impt? Drag till like. if i prepare finish will be near 2pm. kinda late. so i rather stay at home cuz wasted lot of time and more if i gonna be at his hse. so i rather not go. tts my reason. so rather efficient yst .. n today as well. So yst evening Hazel was asking me for dinner shun bian pass me the wraps i ordered. anyway, i try to get it by Sun (today) so tt i can pass to Anqi tml or smt. so i met her up and joyce too. tts all wad. Im just meeting my friends cuz i felt wad im suppose to do is done. ok, not done but at least some progress. It's not as if i nv ask him along. is tt Kid's pi qi.. "cuz i nv meet him in the afternoon, made him no mood. tts y he dun wanna meet me in the evening, so he can make me feel the same" Hello, I'm ok if u r not going. He's so childish. U guys understand i noe. i just cant stand this. He blames me agreeing to meet my friend but not him. Tts because i felt i had done enuff work for tt day and not as if i didnt ask him to go along. I felt tt i was quite thick skin to ask him along liao ok. Still not happy wad. I realli initially wanted to ask him out in the evening alone if we are nt meeting in the afternoon but he gave me tt kind of attitude first which makes me not wanting to ask tt qn anymore. I told him tt but he dun believe me. *vomits blood* It is real and i dun have to care whether U believe it or not. And u noe who im with and y do u have to care so much since it's not some other guys. They are just my besties, my sisters. Cant i spend some time with them? Does he have to be jealous over this? about not giving u time but to them? It's not like i nv give but he dun wanna come along. and he called to make a fuss. den bring out all the things he wanna say at one shot again tt kinda thing. and back to normal. so wad if it's going on n on n on? kinda sian. like no pt. but dunno y im in this shit? i cant stand it and offed my phone all the way till nw. yst i was home like 12 plus am? den i told my sis like .. CMI. and she was like : Y? too sticky? and i was like .. HOW DID U KNOW?! den she say.. can see.-_-
She said tts because he is still young and it's hard for guys to grow up. eh? i think so too. is it the reason y until now i cant find the... ?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to Gongshang pri!

Happy 88th Birthday to Gingshang Primary School!

Hehe... It's my primary sch's 88th anniversary today i think and yesterday was the celebration. No school for them today. My elder sis knew it first cuz he mass sms his classmates back then which include my sis. den we know it thru my sis of cuz. we decided to went down for a while after our pizza dinner.

So my elder sis, younger sis and me went to Gongshang pri like about 7pm.
The school now is total different can! It's so damn nice and they got almost everything. as in CCAs and facilitities? See the Eco Garden now!
Compared to my time, my time tt so call science garden was pathetic.
We toured around the school.. hoping to find our teachers. The school was so packed with students, teachers, parents, ex-students. It was the sing-song time at the hall. Birthday song i meant. Damn Packed. Got air-son = no aircon? hha
The teachers were guarding the cake. cldnt take a gd pic.
Mr Wee was in the crowd too!
I manage to find Miss Tang out of the crowd. She's so pretty can! I called out to her first time i saw her but she got to attend to the VIPs so say tok later. ok. the 2nd time she was less bz. she was stationed at the Mathematics corner i think. but sort of busy entertaining parents? den i like pai seh to interupt. so in the end i went off! wanted to ask her if she did rec my invitation on msn or not. haha. and tt day i didnt know she was going home with her niece as well so i didnt sae byebye to her! i only said to her niece. lol. so pai seh. =p
Here are some other pics taken..
The staircase i use to go up my classrooms from P3 to P6.
the scouts(forgot how to spell) boy is a talent. His pics are all over the wall of Gongshang till today. He's my bro's classmate. He's super super li hai in his studies de. and won dunno wad
government award, schorlarships blabla. i still rmb hes tt kind of very upright man.
I rmb there's this day where he fetch me and his bro off from sch.. den his bro walked on the grass den he scolded him cuz he says there's life in grass too. and he told his bro he dun wan see him step on them again. and the brother veri guai also sae "Orh". lols.
The cake is nice =)

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hey yo. i decided to write up a quick entry before starting work of the day(projs). Tues was Heerens after school with Olive. The first shop we entered the shop tt i am doing proj on - Koi Nobori. and this super enthu abt sales de sales girl was promoting all the way from the time we step into the shop till we left. She claims to be a 40+ yr old lady but she dun even look old. she look prob like 30+ maybe. Shes a person who knows how to psycho her cust very well. She literally treat both of us as her model and made us try on tops/bottoms. and even 'dress up' for us - as in showing us no. of ways we can wear with that one piece of top. Seriously, i have to admit that the clothings there are really unique. Most of them can be worn in many different styles although it's one piece. but of the the price is 'nice' as well. In the end, the sales lady successfully closed a receipt of $100+ for olive and $19.90 from me. Well, i must say this is the first time i felt pressure while shopping. keke.

I met up with Liu Jing for dinner after that at Takashimaya basement. We both wanted economical meal. so we had Korean Cuisine set add one bowl of rice. Each person = $4. Cheap, nice and filling. cool. haha. Ops. Im gg to be like the twins soon to be economical. But i guess i'll be poorer than them this time round. =( I wonder y must sch be so far. at least if it's near, i can still work PT retail like in the Poly days.

Stayed at home whole of yesterday and i think today. Yup. Not productive at all. lots of distractions ard me. Did a bit of BB proj. tts all!!! oh my. went changi village for dinner with dad, mum and sis. Tried the Ipoh Hor Fun which is post in that has a rating of 4.6/5 . Ok lah. Not bad, quite nice. ta bao-ed oyster omelette and desserts home. i had Avocado + Durian. i thot its gonna be ok if it's not mixed. so i seperated both the flavour when reached home. but my sis go n mix with the icings. becomes yucky. I realised that i can easily go there by taking bus 29 all the way to changi terminal at my hse tt bus stop . only takes abt 20 min. so next time can just go there and eat! cool.

These are the pics that couldnt be uploaded the other day.

Sunday, August 24, 2008



You saw that???!!!
Is it even Human?!
And somehow i tried to upload a grp of photos but only this can be uploaded. -.-
Met Joyce this morning at 10.30am to Ajisen-ed. I had Crayfish Ramen and Volcano Ramen for Joyce. Quite kns cuz all the nice side dishes tt they used to include in the set all shifted to ala carte menu only. Now side dishes dunno wad to choose le. We ended up shopping abit. I got myself a Guess wallet from Isetan. and joyce got her mum one too. Bought it cuz it's real cheap. having sales. and i hardly sees a wallet i really like. so grabbed it. and yes, truly broke now.
Hey, u noe wad! I was boarding bus 293 from inter home and this plump malay auntie, half of her butt just literally dropped onto my left tigh when the driver starts to drive off. cuz she loosed her balance i think. and in my heart i was like OUCH! . Pain ok! Worse is she never even say Sorry la! Wth. @#%!@&*!

Saturday, August 23, 2008



Whee~! Had Wasabi Tei yesterday again. Yuppie, my 4th or 5th time there alrdy. Waited 45 mins before getting in this time round. There were like 14 ppl infront of us when we reach.

This time round im still having my cod fish set! Although each time after the meal i said i will wanna try the cod fish hot pot next time by i just cant resist my grilled cod fish everytime! Jw had Oyaku Don i think. It's Egg and chicken don. Still i cant stop praising the chef's appetizer dish. It might be one of the most yummy dish in store. There's 2 types of appetizer he always prepare. One is the meat with some wierd vege which i had yesterday, and the other one looks like curry de. But seasoning for both are the same i think. cuz they have the same taste. I think i can finish a bowl of rice just with the appetizer dishes. but i prefer the first one tt i mentioned. Like the testure when crunching it.

Besides that, we had $25 worth of Mixed Sashimi which consist of 4 slices salmon, 4 slices tuna, 4 slices swordfish, 2 slices yellow tail and 2 big scallops.(Thick Generous Slices!) This is my first time trying raw scallops. yellow tail and scallops are comparable to swordfish standard. haha. more upper class. lol. esp the raw scallops! Yum yum! I wanted to take picture so much but again, so paiseh. cuz the shop was rather small and packed as usual. Even if i just standby the position of wanting to take pic of the dish, i think ppl will start noticing me. =( As usual, i ordered carrot juice for my drink but never open. That is the trick cuz if u drink one can of drink down ur stomache first, u might not be able to try the oishi dishes after that! So i always da bao my drink home. Lols. *Eh laugh wad laugh? i also Singaporean ma!* I like their miso soup too. nice. Total bill just add up to $52 bucks. Considered cheap for such premium quality! Must try!!!

Compare to that time we went to Tonkichi for the sashimi - 2 slices salmon, 2 sweet shrimps, 2 slices optopus, 2 slices yellow tail (picture shown in prev entry) for $35 ! and they are Thin Slices! So next time u wanna eat sashimi, go Wasabi Tei @ Far east lvl 5 - serves best and fresh sashimi ive ever had so far!
Some randome photos.
The Thai Food we had during Joyce's bdae. i thnk i 4gt to post.
The Fried Tou Fu tgt with peanut sauce is nice!
Mango Glutinous Rice
I prefer this one. With Durian.
Mum cooked this.
Seafood Abalone Porridge. So sweet! Slurps*
I styled his hair.
Nice? lol. The straightening effect last for tt day.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008



tt toopid leonard just said bye and cup my phone. wth! !$*@)@$!% shldnt have helped him. humpfs. angui angui!

always felt not right on Wed cuz no sch and nv go out. Bu zhi zai. did OB mindmap. cant find the BB prdt info online. wierd.

Was chatting with puppy. happy for him tt he finally found 'the one' in his life. hehe. yuan lai my puppy is so sweet and romantic de guy.. ee. haha. even the so rou ma nick i thot for him he also put. Zhen shi shou bu liao! heee. and gd news! He quit smoking le! so happy for him. Hope next time see him he will be more liven up instead of the gloomy gloomy chin hong. ok pup? smile*

Just now watch tt police show. made me cry sia. Boohoo! ='( the Zhang Sir just made that glass vase with his own hand for mdm, wanting to woo her back (cuz they divorced due to some misunderstanding) but haven give it to her den go for field training le. That stupid stubborn Bo Qiao dun listen to his command (he hated Zhang sir due to misunderstanding also), went to chase that baddie, amost fell down the hill. But luckily Zhang sir came to recue. But after pulling Bo Qiao up the hill, he himself slide off the cliff! den the show ended. Sure die de la... ! ='( Si bo qiao.

Looking forward for Sat. =]

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to Joyjoy!

Happy Birthday to Joyjoy!

Happy Birthday Joyce! Hope u did enjoy yesterday nite although it was quite disorganised i think. sry for that. Hope u like the present that we and auntie Jenny gave you. haha. So now u can cancel away one of ur wishlist!

Donno y the pi on top cant b brought down.. grr.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ma Maison

Ma Maison

Heyhey! BB lesson today. Cant concentrate also.. Zzz.. went to meet Hazel at Bugis after lesson. for dinner and some discussion. We went Ma Maison for dinner!!! Yea, finally i get to try it. Cuz saw quite a few good reviews abt it. The price was surprisingly fair enough and the food is good. Had a great experience there tgt with heihei. lols. Great experience in terms of great service, good food and FUN! fun/ funny. Lol. we ordered Squid ink sphegetti, beef steak burger with cheese for the main course and sesame ice cream & double choco brownie with ice cream for dessert.

Inkish Squid Pasta

Black teeth not obvious enough!

Hazel was disappointed with the small amt of sesame
ice-cream received which cost $4.80 while u can get
exactly the same taste of sesame ice-cream and bigger
portion for $2.50 at Sushi Tei.

The hot Brownie with walnut tgt with Vanilla
ice-cream is a great Combination. Zhan!

The gold key is for u to bring to the cashier for payment.

Here's some photos we've took on Sunday.

Guess it's time to realli manage my hair, but first, i need some cash!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dinner at Sakae

Well, Met up with korkor, didi, mummy and xuemei on Monday for dinner. Xue Mei joined us cuz she just off work and initially wanted to ask me for dinner. so i asked her to join us since she noe chin hong and queenie as well and Jerry dun mind. Dinner at Sakae citylink. didnt expect korkor to really pay for my meal. haha. but anyway, thx! ^^ We went home straight after dinner as it alrdy ard 10 and got nowhere to go. and we onli met ard 7 plus and waited for mummy off work at 8. so met onli for dinner. ya a rather short gathering. shall meet up again soon. =)

Yesterday was MR lec. Handed in our MR Proposal. Hope everything goes well so that we dun have to redo or make changes to the proposal. The lecturer talk like will make me slp.. -_- cant concentrate. stayed back after sch with the rest to do the rest of my OB and waiting for time to pass to meet Jw after his sch as well. sch eded at 4.20pm and i stayed till 6.10pm onli wrote one reference -_-... Went JP for dinner. ate Subway in the end. dots. i will never ever like to go Boon Lay again. the crowd is scary can. =/ Back home onli at 9pm. tired.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Haiz. struggled with my in-text citation. damn ma fan can. do till pek cek. like many rules to follow? haben finish. after that still gt referencing. sians.

Cooked sphegetti for lunch yst. yummy~ den do a bit of OB, went out with Heihei and Joyjoy n potato for dinner in the evening. supposed to go Wasabi Tei for dinner. but realised CLOSED ON SUNDAY! sad. esp joyce. It's her 4th attempt to that place but failed again. haha. since we cant get to eat that, den we headed to other place for dinner. Craving for jap food is still there. so went Sushi Tei at Paragon instead. Spent a total of $112 for 4 person. =O didnt expect to spend so much on that. If wasabi tei i dun mind. haha. den korkor sud sae want dinner today with mummy and didi. jap food somemore. Zzz.. No money sia! somemroe next wk joyce bdae must spend again. and the upcoming ones.. Scary~ haha. i wan earn money! no money now. maybe cuz i haben been sowing into God's Kingdom. =/

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Happy Birthday Siti!

Happy Birthday to Siti!

Yesterday was my birthday but i just spent it "sianly" like that the whole day. I woke at 12pm den bathed and sud decided to go my grandma hse at bedok reservoir for lunch. cuz my mum there. den eat lunch, fruits, and wanted to help my aunt dl MSN in her laptop but dunno why damn slow so in the end nv dl. Dad send us home ard 3. Ask him go Opp Hazel hse tt coffee shop cuz i wan buy Po Piah. but yst's Po Piah wasnt that nice leh. sad. haha. den veri tired when i reach hm. slacked. and waited to the nite. Met PUMA staff after their work for supper. CS drive, Rehana & hafiz bike. so gotta split. some took cab. me, ivan, peggan, Khai took car. We went Sempang Bedok for supper cuz Hafiz mum work there. Ordered Drinks, Satay, Stingray and each individual meal. but i didnt cuz not hungry. but in the end also veri full. Here's my third cake for my bdae.

The cake was for me, Siti, Ivan, and Peggan. cuz Ivan's on 23rd Jul, mine yesterday, Siti's today and Peggan's 21st if im not wrong??? and i received a Bikini for present. :O


Hehe.. Feel kinda stressed cuz of assignments and projects. So many projs haben even started but must rush assignment at the same time. how. =(

Monday, August 04, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to Me! =D

Oh no! I'm 20. =/

Haha. Celebrated my 20th Birthday with lovely Beautyqueens yesterday at VivoCity! The theme is school ger Uniform! Haha. Thank for the effort made although somethings are quite last minute but i understand that all of u are busy with work and stuff but u gers still squeezed out the time and effort to make my day! *hugs* Ok. The day started off with meeting Xue Mei and Alice at tampines MRT supposedly at 2pm. but dear Xue Mei still can't kick off the habit of being late so we met around 3pm. but dun wry! u will kick off that habit one fine day soon! =) Alice overselpt and we all thought wad happened to her cuz we cant contact her at first. So after meeting, we headed off to Vivo to meet Joyce and Hazel who had been there early in the noon i think to prepare for the games esp Hazel. Amy was at CGH as poor Yong yi was suspected to have dengue fever and was hospitalised. so Amy was there to visit him and joined us during dinner. Yy hope u recover soon! Fever no more! Liu Jing was attending cell group and joined us soon after. They were still busy thinking of tasks for me to complete in order for me to get my presents when we met them at KFC harbourfront. They were all so scary. Once they wrote dwn their task, they let the rest read their idea and each just laughed off so loudly. The same for each one. arent they scary? dunno wad they are going to do to me for the rest of the day. but eventually, i was told that most of the tasks were cancelled due to time constraint. So.. ok.. we headed off the first task. The first task was for me to find a shop at HBF that can cure dunno foot cracks or wad. and the shop turns out to be the Fish Spa! Omg. Lols. and i ws supposed to pick 2 sisters to do it with me. i picked Joyce and Alice. But Joyce die die dun dare. Hey, this is defying the game rule alrite? HAHAHA.. but Bo Bian la.. she dun wan also cannot force her since she is nt the Bdae ger hur! haha. so in the end i went in with Hazel and Alice!

Well, it's ticklish! its my first time trying and i actly hate fishes but i actly let them bit my legs. Well, it's an experience gained. Hahaha. but the fishes just wun bite us when our legs went in. they only bit for the first few minutes and then i guess they are full. whahahaha.. Joyce and Xue Mei went for Express Manicure while waiting for us. So that was my first task. It was dinner time! and we had our dinner at "Go India". It's my second time there. The price is expensive and the quantity is small. but the quality is there. So is it worth? But they say Muthu's Curry at little India is better. Price is comparable to Go India. We ordered 5 dishes. Fish, 2 Chicken, Vege, Mutton, 2 plain nan, 2 butter n garlic nan, 2 Bryani. Nice. =)

While waiting for the food, it's time to accomplish task given by Liu Jing. The card reads:" Since after a indian meal, find a tree and do a indian dance for a min in the rest." So as we were seated outside the rest, i went up to a nearest tree and "did" an indian dance to make Liu Jing happy. =X There, Amy arrived and i received 2 of my presents from the gers. Guess wad? It's a Kodak portable photo printer and a birthday card! Omg. photo printer! xD They must know im a zi lian kuang? Eh! lols. *surprised* Never thought of it. Hehe. i like! and the card! is so niceee. Thanky Joyjoy. such creative brain u have!

After dinner, we proceeded to do Amy's task for me. Just nice that there's this Dove advertisement thingy going on at Vivo. and participants have to wear bathroom robes and enter a transparent bathroom cubicle and sing a song. It will be videoed down and post online! So that's the task for me. omg. but luckily, we ended up going in as a group. i felt it was quite sudden cuz we just reached that place and they just push me to it. and have to wear bathrobes and hold accessories. haha. kinda funny. and eyes of the public were looking and taking pics of us. omg. PS sia! Ok. so the song we chose was Ai Wo De Zhi Ge by S.H.E. We were quite "stable" and was swaying lightly as it's a soft song. But after we came out, we saw TV that show how prev grps performed. They were realli funny n wild. Den we regret why we never did that. Aiya. dunno ma. Know sure did the crazy way.Chey~ Aha! And we are able to get one Dove Shower foam, one cup of bens & Jerrys ice-cream and 1 $1 off bens & jerrys ice-cream voucher each. Wanna see how we did? Here......
Omg. paiseh paiseh*hee..

Next mission by Xue Mei:" Tell the black guy to come down quickly. Must be loud and clear!" Aite, she ment the one always swinging so high up at the Vivo sky garden. -_- . Well, Being so on de Da Jie *ahem*, of cuz i played along. But Kinda stupid. hahhahaa. =X
Next was Joyce's:"Go to a handsome hunk and ask to take an intimate picture. P.S. Do not ask Jenson, he's not a hunk =p" Well, as said, i was on de, but the prob is, there's no hunks then. Not i dun wan wor. hiakhiak. ok la. I will shy also one ok. i saw one is the type i like of cuz dun dare go over la! later ppl think i so despo or wad. -.- In the end, this task was half accomplished. This pics shows wad i meant by half accomplished...

Next, Hazel's:"Go to an excited customer and ask "can i be ur puppy?"" Firstly, this was thought by Joyce actually. Secondly, now that i seriously look into the card, im puzzled by wad she meant by "excited customer".. LOL. xD In the end, the excited customer was changed to the shop assistant cuz it was rather late and the shop is closing n there isnt much customer. What happened was i approached that sales guy and said " my friends asked if they can be ur puppy?" LOL. aite. they hate me for that. muahaha.. the guy's reply was :" HUH?" LOls.
Next is Alice's. which is the most impossible and craziest task of all. It goes like this:" Hook a hunk's hand and tell him, Rang Wo Men Liang Shou Qian Shou Yi Qi Zhou Bian Tian Ya Hai Jiao Ba! " This is so crazy can! Lols. Did nt do this cuz it's .. ridiculous? Lols. so i got my last presnt!

Tada! Escada Perfume that is! =D
and i even got to take pic with dearest Jorine wven though shes not in SG!

Your are nt forgotten ger!

It was around 10 plus pm. and we headed back to the sky garden for some gers chat while waiting to Wei Quan to come and fetch Alice. Its 11pm when we headed towards the train stn n took train home. and the day ended. Good n fun day i had! Thanks my gerrsss!!! =)))

Celebrated bdae with Jw today. Hmm. Thanks for the great effort made dear! If i noe u at suntec originally i wun make u come make tamp la... -___- Alrte. can see the effort he made as in he tried to give me surprises by arranging everything with the rest staff beforehand. So i shall forgive everything tt u made me unhappy today k. =))
We watched Money Not Enough 2. Omg. Must watch show! Its another film by Jack Neo that will make u laugh and cry at the same time. I was so Xin Ku while in the cinema just now. I wanted to tear so much but yet i beared my tears cuz Im wearing make up and i didnt bring my make up kit out. dun wanna spoil my face. I wished i can cry out.
He brought me to this Jap rest name Tonkichi at Suntec. It's famous for its Pork Katsu. and the menu was rather ex too. act its ok if u order a normal meal. prob ard $24 plus minus. But the sashimi is Ex. from wad Jw researched, it's daily freshly imported from Japan. The rest staff gave me a stalk of fake flower wen we enter. of cuz its from Jw la. noe y it's fake? Cuz i told him earlier nt to buy flowers le cuz everytime just die after sometime n had to be thrown away. so he bought a fake one.. -_- haha.. wadeva. thanks. I had this mix fried seafood set while Jw had his curry Pork Sirloin. We ordered a mix of 5 diff sashimi too.

This freaking plate of sashimi is freaking expensive but is freaking yummy!
5 kinds. 2 pcs each. $35! -_-
We were both damn full after the meal. Cake was wad came after. My Choco exoctic. He sang a bdae song for me beore we eat it. haha. funny. I only finish 1/4 cuz i was really full. He gobbled up the rest although he was damn full also. Oh No! Tummy i see u! Hiaks* He gave me an Sk jewllery heart-shaped Necklace as present. Sry, haben take pic.. upload later k! xD

Ok. Something funny just happened. This Shou Qin called and wished me happy birthday and sang me happy birthday song in Chinese. haha. he said byebye after singing. Stunned. Lols. ok.. hmm.. He say 'stun' this word is nt nice. so i guess i was rather surprise? xD haha.. He make me laugh. Cute lah. Thanks gummy bear! =D