Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hey yo. i decided to write up a quick entry before starting work of the day(projs). Tues was Heerens after school with Olive. The first shop we entered the shop tt i am doing proj on - Koi Nobori. and this super enthu abt sales de sales girl was promoting all the way from the time we step into the shop till we left. She claims to be a 40+ yr old lady but she dun even look old. she look prob like 30+ maybe. Shes a person who knows how to psycho her cust very well. She literally treat both of us as her model and made us try on tops/bottoms. and even 'dress up' for us - as in showing us no. of ways we can wear with that one piece of top. Seriously, i have to admit that the clothings there are really unique. Most of them can be worn in many different styles although it's one piece. but of the the price is 'nice' as well. In the end, the sales lady successfully closed a receipt of $100+ for olive and $19.90 from me. Well, i must say this is the first time i felt pressure while shopping. keke.

I met up with Liu Jing for dinner after that at Takashimaya basement. We both wanted economical meal. so we had Korean Cuisine set add one bowl of rice. Each person = $4. Cheap, nice and filling. cool. haha. Ops. Im gg to be like the twins soon to be economical. But i guess i'll be poorer than them this time round. =( I wonder y must sch be so far. at least if it's near, i can still work PT retail like in the Poly days.

Stayed at home whole of yesterday and i think today. Yup. Not productive at all. lots of distractions ard me. Did a bit of BB proj. tts all!!! oh my. went changi village for dinner with dad, mum and sis. Tried the Ipoh Hor Fun which is post in that has a rating of 4.6/5 . Ok lah. Not bad, quite nice. ta bao-ed oyster omelette and desserts home. i had Avocado + Durian. i thot its gonna be ok if it's not mixed. so i seperated both the flavour when reached home. but my sis go n mix with the icings. becomes yucky. I realised that i can easily go there by taking bus 29 all the way to changi terminal at my hse tt bus stop . only takes abt 20 min. so next time can just go there and eat! cool.

These are the pics that couldnt be uploaded the other day.

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