Sunday, August 31, 2008


Hi... Yesterday was nothing much but a great nite. Great? Or maybe half great. Didnt go to Jw hse cuz everything was dragging too much in the morning. 1 bathroom, 6 ppl. So dunno why i gotta let them use first also. perhaps my event was the least impt? Drag till like. if i prepare finish will be near 2pm. kinda late. so i rather stay at home cuz wasted lot of time and more if i gonna be at his hse. so i rather not go. tts my reason. so rather efficient yst .. n today as well. So yst evening Hazel was asking me for dinner shun bian pass me the wraps i ordered. anyway, i try to get it by Sun (today) so tt i can pass to Anqi tml or smt. so i met her up and joyce too. tts all wad. Im just meeting my friends cuz i felt wad im suppose to do is done. ok, not done but at least some progress. It's not as if i nv ask him along. is tt Kid's pi qi.. "cuz i nv meet him in the afternoon, made him no mood. tts y he dun wanna meet me in the evening, so he can make me feel the same" Hello, I'm ok if u r not going. He's so childish. U guys understand i noe. i just cant stand this. He blames me agreeing to meet my friend but not him. Tts because i felt i had done enuff work for tt day and not as if i didnt ask him to go along. I felt tt i was quite thick skin to ask him along liao ok. Still not happy wad. I realli initially wanted to ask him out in the evening alone if we are nt meeting in the afternoon but he gave me tt kind of attitude first which makes me not wanting to ask tt qn anymore. I told him tt but he dun believe me. *vomits blood* It is real and i dun have to care whether U believe it or not. And u noe who im with and y do u have to care so much since it's not some other guys. They are just my besties, my sisters. Cant i spend some time with them? Does he have to be jealous over this? about not giving u time but to them? It's not like i nv give but he dun wanna come along. and he called to make a fuss. den bring out all the things he wanna say at one shot again tt kinda thing. and back to normal. so wad if it's going on n on n on? kinda sian. like no pt. but dunno y im in this shit? i cant stand it and offed my phone all the way till nw. yst i was home like 12 plus am? den i told my sis like .. CMI. and she was like : Y? too sticky? and i was like .. HOW DID U KNOW?! den she say.. can see.-_-
She said tts because he is still young and it's hard for guys to grow up. eh? i think so too. is it the reason y until now i cant find the... ?

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