Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dinner at Sakae

Well, Met up with korkor, didi, mummy and xuemei on Monday for dinner. Xue Mei joined us cuz she just off work and initially wanted to ask me for dinner. so i asked her to join us since she noe chin hong and queenie as well and Jerry dun mind. Dinner at Sakae citylink. didnt expect korkor to really pay for my meal. haha. but anyway, thx! ^^ We went home straight after dinner as it alrdy ard 10 and got nowhere to go. and we onli met ard 7 plus and waited for mummy off work at 8. so met onli for dinner. ya a rather short gathering. shall meet up again soon. =)

Yesterday was MR lec. Handed in our MR Proposal. Hope everything goes well so that we dun have to redo or make changes to the proposal. The lecturer talk like will make me slp.. -_- cant concentrate. stayed back after sch with the rest to do the rest of my OB and waiting for time to pass to meet Jw after his sch as well. sch eded at 4.20pm and i stayed till 6.10pm onli wrote one reference -_-... Went JP for dinner. ate Subway in the end. dots. i will never ever like to go Boon Lay again. the crowd is scary can. =/ Back home onli at 9pm. tired.

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