Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Happy Birthday Siti!

Happy Birthday to Siti!

Yesterday was my birthday but i just spent it "sianly" like that the whole day. I woke at 12pm den bathed and sud decided to go my grandma hse at bedok reservoir for lunch. cuz my mum there. den eat lunch, fruits, and wanted to help my aunt dl MSN in her laptop but dunno why damn slow so in the end nv dl. Dad send us home ard 3. Ask him go Opp Hazel hse tt coffee shop cuz i wan buy Po Piah. but yst's Po Piah wasnt that nice leh. sad. haha. den veri tired when i reach hm. slacked. and waited to the nite. Met PUMA staff after their work for supper. CS drive, Rehana & hafiz bike. so gotta split. some took cab. me, ivan, peggan, Khai took car. We went Sempang Bedok for supper cuz Hafiz mum work there. Ordered Drinks, Satay, Stingray and each individual meal. but i didnt cuz not hungry. but in the end also veri full. Here's my third cake for my bdae.

The cake was for me, Siti, Ivan, and Peggan. cuz Ivan's on 23rd Jul, mine yesterday, Siti's today and Peggan's 21st if im not wrong??? and i received a Bikini for present. :O


Hehe.. Feel kinda stressed cuz of assignments and projects. So many projs haben even started but must rush assignment at the same time. how. =(

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