Saturday, August 23, 2008



Whee~! Had Wasabi Tei yesterday again. Yuppie, my 4th or 5th time there alrdy. Waited 45 mins before getting in this time round. There were like 14 ppl infront of us when we reach.

This time round im still having my cod fish set! Although each time after the meal i said i will wanna try the cod fish hot pot next time by i just cant resist my grilled cod fish everytime! Jw had Oyaku Don i think. It's Egg and chicken don. Still i cant stop praising the chef's appetizer dish. It might be one of the most yummy dish in store. There's 2 types of appetizer he always prepare. One is the meat with some wierd vege which i had yesterday, and the other one looks like curry de. But seasoning for both are the same i think. cuz they have the same taste. I think i can finish a bowl of rice just with the appetizer dishes. but i prefer the first one tt i mentioned. Like the testure when crunching it.

Besides that, we had $25 worth of Mixed Sashimi which consist of 4 slices salmon, 4 slices tuna, 4 slices swordfish, 2 slices yellow tail and 2 big scallops.(Thick Generous Slices!) This is my first time trying raw scallops. yellow tail and scallops are comparable to swordfish standard. haha. more upper class. lol. esp the raw scallops! Yum yum! I wanted to take picture so much but again, so paiseh. cuz the shop was rather small and packed as usual. Even if i just standby the position of wanting to take pic of the dish, i think ppl will start noticing me. =( As usual, i ordered carrot juice for my drink but never open. That is the trick cuz if u drink one can of drink down ur stomache first, u might not be able to try the oishi dishes after that! So i always da bao my drink home. Lols. *Eh laugh wad laugh? i also Singaporean ma!* I like their miso soup too. nice. Total bill just add up to $52 bucks. Considered cheap for such premium quality! Must try!!!

Compare to that time we went to Tonkichi for the sashimi - 2 slices salmon, 2 sweet shrimps, 2 slices optopus, 2 slices yellow tail (picture shown in prev entry) for $35 ! and they are Thin Slices! So next time u wanna eat sashimi, go Wasabi Tei @ Far east lvl 5 - serves best and fresh sashimi ive ever had so far!
Some randome photos.
The Thai Food we had during Joyce's bdae. i thnk i 4gt to post.
The Fried Tou Fu tgt with peanut sauce is nice!
Mango Glutinous Rice
I prefer this one. With Durian.
Mum cooked this.
Seafood Abalone Porridge. So sweet! Slurps*
I styled his hair.
Nice? lol. The straightening effect last for tt day.

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